Activists from the newly-formed Willoughby for Palestine spoke to their council on July 22 about it supporting a ceasefire motion, as other councils have done.
Two activists outlined the City of Sydney’s motion and said there was ample community support in Willoughby to do the same at its next meeting.
“This is the least we can do as a community given that the federal government is not properly pressuring Israel to ceasefire,” Suzie Gold told Green Left.
Gold, a Jew and an initiator of the group, said she had been going to weekly peaceful Palestine rallies calling for an end to Israel’s genocide and for “an immediate and permanent ceasefire”.
“Because I have hip and knee problems, I march to the corner of Pitt and Park Streets and hold up a sign that just simply says, ‘NEVER GIVE UP’.
“I’m told that it is really appreciated, because it gives people hope. Because I am always there, they see it as sign of support.
“But I felt this was not enough.”
Gold and some friends formed Willoughby for Palestine last week. “Jews and Muslims are a part of it. “We are passionate about ending the atrocities in Gaza and on the West Bank. We want a ceasefire so that there can be a return of all hostages — both Israeli and Palestinian.
“We will not be silent and we will not be complicit in the deaths and maiming of thousands of innocent people.”
Gold said the group was a part of a NSW–wide network for Palestine which is pushing for councils to take a strong stand against the genocide, including calling for a ceasefire.
NSW for Palestine is preparing a Palestine questionnaire to be sent to all candidates seeking office in September. The results will be complied and made public before September 14.