WOLLONGONG — Illawarra NoWar is calling on the government of France to use its veto against any plans for war put to the UN Security Council. On March 11, a delegation from NoWar took their message directly to the French consulate in Sydney.
The delegation included Cunningham Greens MP Michael Organ, state Wollongong ALP MP Col Markham, Wollongong city councillor Vicky King, South Coast Labour Council secretary Arthur Rorris and NoWar members Mairi Petersen and Doreen Borrow.
French consul-general Marc Finaud discussed with the delegation their opposition to the war for more than 45 minutes, assuring NoWar that France would continue to block US and British plans for military action against Iraq. Finaud said he wouldn't publicly criticise Prime Minister John Howard, but that he would pass on Wollongong's message to French President Jacques Chirac.
Rorris played down media accusations that Wollongong wanted to "defect to France", saying that NoWar is only calling on France to hold strong in their opposition. "It's blatantly clear that the Australian people are dead against this war. Since the Howard government continues to ignore the will of the Australian people, we are simply asking the government of France to represent us at the UN", said Rorris.
From Green Left Weekly, March 19, 2003.
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