WTO head says protesters make him vomit

February 14, 2001


CANBERRA — "The people who stand outside and say they work in the interests of the poorest people ... they make me want to vomit." This is how Mike Moore, the director-general of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), described a protest against him when he spoke at the National Press Club here on February 6.

Despite rain, 50 people attended a lively and spirited protest, chanting, "Mike Moore kills the poor" and "human need not corporate greed".

Protesters spoke about the need to stop future WTO talks, about the Moore's phoney claims that free trade helps the poor and about the importance of the planned May 1 peaceful blockades of stock exchanges around Australia.

As Moore delivered his address, protesters pounded on the windows of the National Press Club, at times drowning out his speech. They blocked the driveway to prevent his car leaving.

The Canberra M1 Alliance has decided to organise a teach-in on corporate globalisation on March 3. For more information ring James on 6247 2424.

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