Alex Bainbridge

The major parties are doubling down on supporting their fossil fuel mates. Alex Bainbridge argues there needs to be united effort to force them to agree to 2030 emission targets.

Green Left sits down with Federico Fuentes to discuss the Bolivian elections, the role and character of the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) and why the coup was defeated.

Amy MacMahon

The Queensland Greens have laid out a bold vision for the state elections, including free public transport, an energy transition and greater mining royalties. Greens candidate Amy MacMahon talks to Green Left.

Brisbane rally to support the Thai democracy movement

Alex Bainbridge reports on a rally outside the Thai consulate in Brisbane on October 20 to express support for the democracy movement in Thailand.

More than 200 people took part in a protest against the Queensland Labor's decision to increase police funding by some $624 million.

Stolen lives on stolen land

More than 200 peopled protested the Labor government's funding increase to police, reports Alex Bainbridge.

The Socialist Alliance has successfully maintained its electoral registration with the Australian Electoral Commission, reports Alex Bainbridge.

United States socialist Paul Le Blanc talks to Green Left about the coming presidential elections and the threat of fascism in the US.

The Labor Party's dirty tricks department has sprung into action to try to thwart the Greens' insurgent campaign to win the seat of South Brisbane in the October 31 election, reports Alex Bainbridge.

There are strong indications that the Queensland Greens will increase their parliamentary representation after the October 31 election, which is being seen as a referendum on Labor's handling of the COVID-19 crisis, reports Alex Bainbridge.

A large vigil and march was organised to mark the death in police custody of Aboriginal woman Sherry Fisher-Tilberoo, reports Alex Bainbridge.

People's Democratic Party congress

The Erdoğan regime has issued arrest warrants for 82 members of the popular left-wing People’s Democratic Party in Turkey. Alex Bainbridge argues the Australian government must take a stand for democracy and civil rights.