Ash Pemberton

The Global Fight for Climate Justice: Anticapitalist Responses to Global Warming and Environmental Destruction Edited by Ian Angus Resistance Books, London, 2009 286 pages, $49 (pb)
The ecological achievements of Cuba in the last two decades have been well documented. The collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s was the trigger for ending the unsustainable, industrial agriculture that Cuba had practised for decades.
Directed by Zack Snyder
Written by David Hayter and Alex Tse
With Jackie Earle Haley, Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Billy Crudup
Che: A Graphic Biography
by Spain Rodriguez
Verso Books, 2008
120 pages, $29.95 (pb)
Student travel concessions have come under attack from the NSW state government. The proposed removal of the subsidy for school students will affect 700,000 students. The $50 back-to-school allowance, initiated by former premier Bob Carr in 2002, is also set to be cut.
A May 8 meeting in Wollongong heard an eyewitness account of the political struggle within Venezuela from Carlos Sierra, a political leader in the radical Venezuelan youth organisation Frente Francisco de Miranda. The meeting was part of Sierra’s Resistance-organised tour which also took him to Newcastle and Sydney Universities.