Socialist Alliance senate candidate Jonathan Strauss tells the Green Left Show about his thoughts about the coming election.
Jonathan Strauss
Responding to the global Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions campaign, the National Tertiary Education Union National Council has decided, overwhelmingly, to support an academic institutional boycott of Israeli universities. Jonathan Strauss and Markela Panegyres report.
Behrouz Boochani, Kurdish refugee, author and activist, will be the keynote speaker at the Rural Australians for Refugees national conference in Kyneton, Victoria, from October 11–13. Jonathan Strauss reports.
Defending the right of a union to conduct its own investigations into alleged wrong-doing is beyond the pale for the political and media establishment. Jonathan Strauss looks at their attempts to take down the Greens, along with the CFMEU.
Jonathan Strauss argues that a fighting, democratic union movement would entail members and delegates’ meetings directing industrial action and political campaigns, opposing state intervention and not subordinating union strategy to Labor’s pro-capitalist project.
The Anthony Albanese government’s treatment of Palestinian refugees escaping the genocide in Gaza presents another blatant example of state-sponsored racism, argues Jonathan Strauss.
Protesting for a permanent ceasefire, to recognise Palestine and for a just and lasting peace continue across Australia.
Labor’s reaction to the High Court ruling that indefinite detention is unlawful underscores its continuing racist scapegoating of refugees, argues Jonathan Strauss.
Jonathan Strauss introduces a new collection published by Resistance Books in Australia, featuring the voices of Ukrainian leftists, Russian left anti-war activists and members of the international left who defend Ukraine’s right of national self-determination.
Boat turn-backs. Offshore Detention. Refusal to settle groups of refugees in Australia. This triad is the 10-year-long contemporary White Australia policy of governments, Labor and Coalition. Jonathan Strauss argues for the need to step up the pressure.
NTEU members struck and rallied at James Cook Universities’ two larger campuses in Townsville and Cairns, joining the union’s nationwide campaign. Jonathan Strauss reports.
Cairns for Refugees and Green Left organised an event that raised nearly $1300 for refugee rights advocacy. Jonathan Strauss reports.
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