Peter Boyle

Thousands of students rallied on August 10 at Thammasat University in Bangkok, an iconic place in Thailand's long history of pro-democracy struggles, in the largest of a string of student-led protests since July 18, reports Peter Boyle.

Rojava Solidarity Sydney organised a rally to commemorate the 8th anniversary of the Rojava Revolution, reports Peter Boyle.

The Australia-United States Ministerial Consultations 2020 was another opportunity for the Morrison government to reaffirm its loyalty to the United States warmongers, writes Peter Boyle.

Cracks in a block of units above where WestConnex is tunnelling has alarmed residents. Peter Boyle reports that anti-tollway campaigners say reports had identified the risk.

A special ABC investigation has painstakingly uncovered war crimes by Australian SAS troops in Afghanistan. It must lead to the criminal prosecutions of those responsible, along with those who ordered the invasion, writes Peter Boyle.

The latest crackdown on journalists, authors and publishers in Malaysia, which is aimed at protecting former government figures facing trial for corruption and money laundering, is being fuelled by a nauseating campaign of racism and xenophobia, writes Peter Boyle.

The staged drama of the PM’s June 19 cyber scare media conference and AFP raids on a NSW Labor MP were a cynical softening up exercise for the federal government's $270 billion military spend announcement, writes Peter Boyle.

A new study estimates the economic shock from the COVID-19 pandemic could add a further 80–400 million people to the 727.3 million already living in extreme poverty around the world, writes Peter Boyle.

In her new 75-minute-long podcast entitled Humanity has not yet failed — recorded under the COVID-19 lock down — Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg explains that there is no solution to the climate crisis without system change, writes Peter Boyle.

Scott Morrison’s melodramatic emergency media conference about an alleged, but unspecified, major cyber attack on Australia was calculated to instil fear. The context, as Peter Boyle writes, is the sustained and racist campaign by the Trump administration to scapegoat China for its own deadly failure to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic

Missing poster for Wanchalearm Satsakit

Thai King Maha Vajiralongkorn has been implicated in the recent abduction and disappearance of Thai dissident Wanchalearm Satsaksit, who had been living in exile in Cambodia, writes Peter Boyle.

The Black Lives Matter-Stop Black Deaths in Custody movements are highlighting the racism of the police, as well as their repressive role in society. Peter Boyle argues that we don't need the police to keep us safe.