Peter Boyle

The Black Lives Matter-Stop Black Deaths in Custody movements are highlighting the racism of the police, as well as their repressive role in society. Peter Boyle argues that we don't need the police to keep us safe.

More than 2000 refugees and migrant workers have been rounded up by Malaysian authorities since May 1, in a series of sweeps through communities under the pretext of combatting COVID-19, writes Peter Boyle.

In yet another attack on democracy by Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, more Kurdish parliamentarians and  Kurdish mayors were detained and removed from their elected positions, writes Peter Boyle.

Many people around the world have heard of Cuba's inspiring and unmatched international medical solidarity efforts in the COVID-19 pandemic, writes Peter Boyle. But how is Cuba faring in the struggle against the pandemic at home?

The world premiere of a 14-year struggle for jobs will be screened at this year's “virtual” Sydney Film Festival. Women of Steel, a finalist for an award, documents a hard-won campaign by women in the Illawarra to force BHP to hire them, write Pip Hinman and Peter Boyle.

The JobMaker plan is an attempt to get us to accept a return to the neoliberal regime that made jobs precarious, ran down public services and made housing and education unaffordable, writes Peter Boyle.

While the world battles the COVID-19 pandemic, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's right-wing government continues to attack the liberated region of north and east Syria, writes Peter Boyle

Vietnam ‒ the country US generals once tried to “bomb into the stone age” ‒ is quietly leading the world in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, writes Peter Boyle.

Just as horrific as the growing COVID-19 death toll and infection numbers in the United States is the spectacle of the daily tantrums of its megalomaniac President Donald Trump, writes Peter Boyle.

The slogan ‘There’s no going back to normal’ has gained considerable popularity as governments are forced by social necessity to take emergency steps they would not normally countenanced. Peter Boyle looks at how we can keep and extend these measures to cope with the next crisis.

In Singapore, the novel coronavirus found the city-state's weak underbelly: some 300,000 lowly-paid migrant workers living in crowded dormitories, writes Peter Boyle.

Green Left's Jacob Andrewartha has a discussion with Socialist Alliance national executive member Peter Boyle regarding the lessons socialists can draw from the COVID-19 crisis, the limitations of the response by capitalist governments and practical measures socialists should advocate for.