Peter Boyle

Green Left’s Peter Boyle spoke to Salih Muslim, of the Democratic Union Party in north and east Syria, about the threat COVID-19 poses throughout the region.

There is a growing spate of racist attacks on people of Asian appearance. Peter Boyle spoke to community leaders about how they are starting to fight back.

While the world is distracted with the COVID-19 pandemic, Turkey is attacking refugee camps in Southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq), writes Peter Boyle.

As the cost of bailing out corporate Australia keeps rising, the calls to raise the regressive GST and cut taxes for the rich have already started. They have to be resisted, argues Peter Boyle.

While Turkey is releasing prisoners to prevent a COVID-19 disaster in the jails, the 50,000 political prisoners currently being detained will not be considered, writes Peter Boyle.

The cost of the COVID-19 corporate bailouts is still growing, but the battle over who will carry that cost has only just begin, writes Peter Boyle.

The federal government plans to spend $130 billion for a wage subsidy, but Peter Boyle argues it is more a corporate survival subsidy.

Amid the mounting COVID-19 pandemic, capitalist governments around the world have clearly prioritised corporate welfare over public health. But Cuba has set an example of international solidarity in its response, writes Peter Boyle.

While Turkey and Greece have turned refugees away from their borders, Peter Boyle reports that the revolutionary Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (better known as Rojava) has welcomed refugees from war-devastated Idlib province in Syria.

Green Left's Peter Boyle spoke to Socialist Party of Malaysia deputy chairperson S Arutchelvan (Arul) about the latest political developments since the meltdown of the Pakatan Harapan government.

Peter Boyle reports that bus drivers and their supporters turned their backs on NSW transport minister Andrew Constance on March 5, in protest at the government's privatisation of bus services.

What’s stopping society from getting going on a serious global response to the climate emergency? What needs to be done to avert the threat to human survival? Peter Boyle and Pip Hinman look at the challenges and sketch some solutions.