In May, young people carrying a banner "United Front Against Golf Course Development" demonstrated outside the offices of the minister for youth and sport in Jakarta, leading to a heated polemic in the newspapers. A private

Timewatch: Bloody Sunday SBS TV Monday, June 14, 7.30 p.m. (7 in Adelaide) Reviewed by Bernie Brian Bloody Sunday, the Channel Four film on the fatal shooting of 13 unarmed civil rights marchers on January 30, 1972, by an elite British
PNG 'terrorism' law draws protest By David Robie PORT MORESBY — Papua New Guinea's harsh new Internal Security Act has been attacked as the "most disturbing" law passed by the country's parliament since independence in 1975. Part
Learning hatred from the church Jacqui Griffin, a qualified teacher with 11 years' teaching experience, applied to the NSW Catholic Education Office (CEO) in April for classification to teach in Catholic schools. The reply from the CEO,
ADELAIDE — Around 300 tertiary students marched on Parliament House on June 2 in a demonstration sparked by the cutting of journal subscriptions at Adelaide University's Barr Smith Library. Students from Adelaide University, Flinders University
By Sam Wainwright World Environment Day was celebrated in cities across Australia June 5-6. The events, organised in most centres by the Environmental Youth Alliance under the theme "Environmental Justice for All", show that people are as
By Bernie Brian They have been together for 41 years, have released 27 albums since 1964 and have played with everybody from the Rolling Stones to the pope. (It may disappoint Rolling Stones followers to know that the pope attracted over 1
Ewart appeal rejected By Stella Simmering MELBOURNE — The appeal of Shannon Ewart was rejected by Judge Dyett the County Court on May 26. Ewart, arrested for writing graffiti on the South Melbourne police station, presented detailed
And deaf and blind "You would have to be naive in the extreme to believe that every member of a police force is totally incorruptible." — Queensland police commissioner Jim O'Sullivan, quoted in the Bulletin. Of course not "I'm not
By Zanny Begg "Apartheid not only degrades the inhabitants of our country, it degrades the earth, the air and the streams ... the greening of our country is basic to its healing" writes Albie Sachs, a spokesperson for the ANC. Erosion,
By Anne Casey Since the beginning of the year, Greenpeace activities have taken on a new direction for the organisation. The Cities and Coasts Campaign was launched with the Rainbow Warrior Solutions Tour, which began in Perth in January.
New SACP leader elected South African Communist Party deputy general secretary Charles Nqakula has been elected general secretary to replace the assassinated Chris Hani. Nqakula, a former journalist, was a close confidant of Hani. He said he