Green Left's Pip Hinman interviews Ross Caputi and Donna Mulhearn, two of the authors of The Sacking of Fallujah: A People's History.

Fallujah was destroyed by US forces, not once, but three times. The city of mosques had a tradition of resisting foreign occupiers, and for this it has paid heavily.

Caputi, a former US Marine who fought in the second attack on Fallujah, and Mulhearn, an anti-war activist and human shield discuss the book and what can be done today to show solidarity and support the people of Fallujah.

Feminist, anti-racist, LGBTI and environmental campaigns feature in this week’s Activist Report.

The Brazilian community and environmental activists rallied in Melborune and Sydney on August 25 in response to fires destroying the Amazon rainforest.

Activists are demadning an end to the deforestation policies of Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro and are calling on world leaders to commit resources to stopping the fires and to reforestation.

Dr Richard Sorge, a German communist who penetrated the innermost political and military circles of the Japanese and German governments for a decade from the mid-1930s, only ever had one good thing to say about the Nazis.

The student-initiated Climate Strike, which will take place across Australia on September 20, continues to gain support from teachers’ unions and a church that has endorsed students and staff from its schools joining the protests.

The Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU) has criticised Prime Minister Scott Morrison's speech to the Institute of Public Administration Australia on August 19 in which he outlined his "vision" for the future of the Australian Public Service (APS). 

La Via Campesina is a global social movement that unites 148 groups representing small farmers, peasants, rural workers and indigenous communities around the world.

It fights for food sovereignty and ecologically sustainable agriculture.

It released the following statement on the Amazon fires on August 24.

The English word “loot” is derived from the Hindi word lut, which means to steal, especially by plunder in time of war.

For more than 30 years, African American woman Marion Stokes recorded everything on multiple TVs around her apartment in the United States. That is, every single minute of every US channel, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.