
A new pay scheme introduced by Blinkit, a quick-delivery grocery service in India, has sparked protests by delivery workers across several cities, reports Peoples Dispatch.

Chile lithium

Chilean president Gabriel Boric has announced his plan to nationalise the country’s lithium industry to boost the economy and protect the environment, reports People's Dispatch.

weapons spending

The world’s total military expenditure surpassed $2.24 trillion last year, with Europe recording its steepest rise in the past three decades, reports Peoples Dispatch.

Welfare recipients, anti-poverty campaigners and supporters gathered outside Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s electoral office to demand he urgently commit to raising JobSeeker. Isaac Nellist reports.

Cuba cruise ships

The world’s top four cruise companies have recently lodged appeals against a December 2022 decision by a United States federal judge who held them financially liable for nearly US$451 million for using docks nationalised in the Cuban Revolution, reports Ian Ellis-Jones.


Israel's politicians have always managed to unify around "security", writes Ramzy Baroud. But the cracks are widening.

Protest albums from April 2023

Mat Ward looks back at April's political news and the best new music that related to it.

National Tertiary Education Union members at the University of Sydney voted to end industrial action. Jim McIlroy talks to NTEU members Markela Panegyres and Kevin Fine about what it means.

The Big Switch

Saul Griffiths has demonstrated that 100% renewable energy would help the US and Australia not reach the climate targets, surpass them and raise export earnings. Elena Garcia reports.

The Queensland government’s recently-released Coal Seam Gas Brine Management Action Plan confirms that there is not safe way of storing produced salt. Elena Garcia reports.

The tradition of ANZAC has done nothing to make Australian cautious, reflective and wise in sending troops to war, argues Binoy Kampmark.

Mina Lib with Yoda Blues at housing rally

Big Bird Backpackers is a specialty emergency accommodation service facing closure. Alex Bainbridge reports.