Protest for Sudan

At least 427 people have been killed, as clashes between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces enter their ninth consecutive day. Peoples Dispatch reports.

British Empire

Richard Gott's 2011 book focuses on the revolutionaries and rebels who stood up to the British Empire. Alex Salmon reviews.

While Doctors for the Environment Australia warns that coal seam gas mining is toxic, the Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association has the Queensland government’s ear. Elena Garcia and Glen Beasley report on the toxic waste problem.

The US has been perusing its China containment strategy for some years. But Australia is also preparing for war and is looking to make worrying changes to the Defence Act. Bevan Ramsden reports.

Green Left's Alex Bainbridge speaks to outgoing Greens Gabba Ward Councillor Jonathan Sriranganathan about politics, social change and the role of elected representatives.

“Build tenant power” rang out through the CBD streets in a housing justice rally organised by SEQUR — South East Queensland Union of Renters. Alex Bainbridge reports.

Building industry unions and health groups are calling a total ban on the construction industry using engineered stone bench tops which contain silica. Jim McIlroy reports.


President Emmanuel Macron has now signed his pensions bill into law, but the struggle to defeat it is not over, reports John Mullen.

The Green Left Party (Yeşil Sol Parti) campaign for the May 14 Turkish general election was launched in western Sydney on April 22.

Margaret Kelly, a resident of the Barak Beacon Estate in Port Melbourne, told Green Left Radio she was angry with the Labor government’s decision to abandon its commitment to public housing. Conor Bond reports.