Outsourcing its responsibility to protect citizens and shield vulnerable arrivals from harm has become a matter of dark habit for Australian governments. Binoy Kampmark reports.

The $368 billion for AUKUS nuclear submarines could be better spent on funding education. Graphic: G

The New South Wales Teachers Federation has decided to deepen its stand against the AUKUS military pact. Pip Hinman reports.

Green Left News Podcast Ep 14, July 7, 2023

Green Left journalists Isaac Nellist and Leo Earle go through the latest news from across the continent and around the world.

FIre Weather

John Vaillant — who may be the contemporary Hunter S Thompson of environmental journalists — has seen our Earth’s future up close and personal, and it is a fearsome, firey “beast”, writes Bill Nevins.

Hugo Blanco

Derek Wall pays tribute to Peruvian revolutionary leader and pioneering ecosocialist Hugo Blanco, who died in London on June 25.

Nahel Merzouk

Rioting broke out in more than a dozen towns around France, following the police murder of teenager Nahel Merzouk, throwing President Emmanuel Macron's government into crisis, reports John Mullen.

Dr Liz Boulton, a former Australian Defence Force major, said climate targets would not be met while the military-industrial establishment continues to pursue their ‘forever wars’. John Quelch reports.

Suzanne James looks at the latest in a long line of attempts to once again legalise the personal use of marijuana.

Results will soon be in for the Communications Workers Union election, in which an activist team is challenging for the leadership. Felix Dance reports.

A striking new mural by Iranian activist collective Feminista Melbourne pays tribute to Jina Amini and stands in solidarity with the Women, Life, Freedom movement. Ruth Heymann reports.

Public housing residents, political parties and community groups met at Middle Park Library and Community Centre to plan vigils at the Barak Beacon site in Port Melbourne. Alex Bainbridge and Jordan AK report.

An anti-nuclear submarine forum organised by the No AUKUS Coalition Vic drew up to 200 people on World Whistleblower Day. Elizabeth Bantas reports.