The Hiroshima Day rally, organised by the No AUKUS Coalition Victoria, heard a variety of speakers condemn the AUKUS nuclear deal. Jordan AK reports.

Another protest called on Labor to scrap the AUKUS nuclear submarine deal and to sign the 2017 Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Peter Boyle and Pip Hinman report.

Labor ministers happily agreed to allow the United States to deepen and tighten militarisation of Australia at the AUSMIN 2023 talks. Bevan Ramsden reports.

The Victorian government is planning on changes to harsh bail laws but it appears that they are not going to be implemented immediately. Chris Slee reports.

Barbie doll

The brilliance of Barbie is its confrontation of patriarchy and power, writes Christine Hepsie.

A new housing and homelessness data portal shows the number of people who are homeless has almost doubled over 2021 to 2022. Rachel Evans and Karyn Brown report.

Saroj Dutta commemoration

Members of the All India Students Association and the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) — Liberation gathered in central Kolkata on August 5 to mark 52 years since one of the party's founders, Saroj Dutta, was murdered, report Isaac Nellist, Jacob Andrewartha and Chloe DS.

Ukraine Resists

Jonathan Strauss introduces a new collection published by Resistance Books in Australia, featuring the voices of Ukrainian leftists, Russian left anti-war activists and members of the international left who defend Ukraine’s right of national self-determination.

The AUSMIN 2023 talks between the US Secretaries of State and Defense and their Australian counterparts confirmed the increasing and unaccountable militarisation of Australia’s north. Binoy Kampmark reports.


Marcel Cartier recently spent time with leading figures of the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (PDKI), on a visit to Iraqi Kurdistan.

The International Atomic Energy Agency's in-principle agreement to Australia's AUKUS nuclear submarines sets a risky precedent for 'nuclear sharing'. Pip Hinman reports.


A giant letter demanding Anthony Albanese push harder to have Julian Assange released from Belmarsh Prison was read out, outside the Prime Minister's electorate office. Stephen Langford reports.