Paul Gregoire spoke to Disrupt Burrup Hubs’s Gerard Mazza about the ABC’s betrayal of its code, the dangerous Woodside gas project and why the group is being made out to be terrorists.
First, we were to blame — spending too much on avocado on toast. Now, blame has been shifted to boomers. Isaac Nellist looks at what's driving the cost of living and housing crises.
Hundreds of school students walked out of school a second time for Palestine. Jacob Andrewartha reports.
Gilbert Achcar argues that Israel's crimes against humanity committed in its genocidal war on Gaza exceed even those committed during the Nakba (Catastrophe) in 1948.
Peter Boyle, a member of the national executive of the Socialist Alliance and regular correspondent for Green Left, addressed a forum on the topic: "What is behind US support for Israel?"
A new law in NSW removes the power to cap the wages of public sector workers below the cost of living. Jim McIlroy reports.
Three 20-year-old Palestinian university students, Hisham Awartani, Kinnan Abdalhamid and Tahseen Ahmed, were shot in broad daylight on November 25, as they walked down a street in Burlington, Vermont in the United States, reports Malik Miah.
Alex Bainbridge spoke with Socialist Alliance member Sam Wainwright about the successful community pickets at the Port of Fremantle.
Millions are asking why 75 years of Palestinian dispossession and experience of racist-fuelled violence has been allowed to climax in these mass murders in Gaza? Something can be done, argues Stuart Rees.
Supporters of abortion rights in the United States are working hard and having success in overturning nefarious state bans, reports Barry Sheppard.
As part of AUKUS, United States and Britain will be exempt from Labor's new rules governing weapons' manufacturing and sales. Binoy Kampmark reports.
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