No News would be bad news By Louise Prest CANBERRA — A band well known to Canberra's marchers and rally goers — the New New World Order — had its professional debut here last month. Formerly called the Canberra Samba Band, New New World
By Peter Boyle The Hawke government completed its wage deal with the Public Service Union and the ACTU on May 15. While it rejects the recent Industrial Relations Commission wage decision, it delivers substantially less that the aggregate outcome
By Norm Dixon The May 14 sentencing of Winnie Mandela to six years' jail by a juryless court, presided over by a single white judge, is sure to add fuel to the black majority's growing anger and resentment at the South African government. Her
By Bob Cummins BYRON BAY — The NSW National and Liberal parties are at each other's throats over reintroduction of chemical dyes and odours into spray formulations. Lismore-based Liberal politician Dr Brian Pezzutti has called for dyes for all
By Debra Wirth River and beach pollution, soil erosion and salinity, forest depletion, chemical contamination, disappearing wildlife habitats: all have to be put right. Thousands of jobs would be created by a determined campaign to clean up, protect
On the last day of the convention, JUTTA DITFORTH announced that she and other members of the Fundis would leave the party because it has moved too far from its original aims and principles. A group around her called Ecological Left was to hold a
Hungary is on a course towards the re-establishment of a capitalist economy — but many questions remain unanswered. In this article, concluding their series on the overthrow of the country's Stalinist version of socialism, LASZLO ANDOR and PETER
Green calls for job funds By Bernie Brian WOLLONGONG — Greens candidate for Bulli Carole Medcalfe says local unemployment, already 24%, is bound to get worse with the completion of major construction projects at Southern Copper and the BHP
We present here brief profiles of six endorsed Green candidates in the NSW election. The other Green candidates were presented in last week's Green Left. Drummoyne Standing in Drummoyne is 41-year-old Bruce Threlfo, a prominent member of the
Politics in the Pub By Win Childs Politics in the Pub, now more than three years old, has become an established institution of the Sydney political scene. Friday nights at the Harold Park Hotel in Glebe are a regular source of knowledge,
President Suharto of Indonesia officially opened a World Bank-funded dam in Central Java on May 18 despite the resistance of hundreds of farming families whose demands for fair compensation remain unanswered. The US$281 million dollar Kedung Ombo
BRISBANE — About 200 people attended a public meeting on May 11 addressed by Nidia Diaz, a representative of the FMLN of El Salvador. Diaz is the highest ranking FMLN representative to visit Australia. Her tour mobilised the support of the Latin