Plowshare activists on trial By Stuart Wax Four young peace activists go on trial in New York on May 20, facing charges that could result in their being imprisoned for 15 years. Two of the defendants, Ciaron O'Reily and Moana Cole, are
By Karen Fletcher Nigel Schmidt died in front of his class at Melville High school in Kempsey just before 10 a.m. on May 2. The immediate cause of death was a blast from a sawn-off shotgun he carried to school in his sports bag and turned on himself
Slur against Ratsak "Paul's about as popular as rat poison." — Unnamed ALP MP, quoted in the Sydney Morning Herald on why there's little enthusiasm for a Keating challenge to Hawke. Advancing to the rear "I believe we are on an irreversible
ANGELICKE WERGNER, a member of the Greens executive committee in Bochum and a supporter of Left Forum, told Green Left that the Realos want to establish a hierarchy. They want to reduce the rank-and-file members' role to casting postal votes in