Gunnai, Gunditjmara and Djab Wurrung independent Victorian Senator Lidia Thorpe is calling for urgent federal intervention into the child prison system, after a 17-year-old boy died in the Banksia Hill Youth Detention Centre. Kerry Smith reports.

Jayson Gillham

The oppressive campaign of 'cancelling' those who talk about Israel's genocide won't work, as more and more people are speaking out, argues Pip Hinman

Green Left spoke with Elijah Tay, a student organiser and leader of Students for Palestine, and Lynn, an anti-death penalty and labour rights activist, about the situation facing left activism and upcoming general elections.


Sixteen months since the war between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and Rapid Support Forces (RSF) began, 26.6 million Sudanese, more than half of the population, now live in a state of severe food insecurity, reports Susan Price.

West Papuan shot by police having his wounds treated

In the geopolitical games taking place in the Indo Pacific, West Papua's history and fate has been relegated to insignificance, writes Ali Mirin.

Attorney General Mark Dreyfus is refusing to drop the prosecution of Richard Boyle, an ex-ATO employee, even though the laws have failed him. Paul Gregoire writes that it is a mystery as to why Dreyfus wants to punish Boyle.

Labor wants to cap the number of international students studying in Australia, but student groups and the NTEU are pushing back. Angus McGregor reports.

Tanya Plibersek and Anthony Albanese

Labor came to government on the back of a strong vote for real action on climate change, but have now reneged on the promise to introduce stronger environment protection laws. Pip Hinman reports. 

Rallying in Naarm/Melbourne on the 47th consecutive week of protests, September 1

The 47th consecutive week of protests against Israel’s genocide took place after Israel launched a new invasion of the Palestinian West Bank. Alex Bainbridge reports.

The 25th anniversary of the successful vote for independence by Timor-Leste was marked on August 30. Leo Earle took these photos for Green Left.

Message from Papuan activist Jeffrey, read to the August 30 School Strike for West Papua in Magan-djin/Brisbane.

Greens MP for Griffith, Max Chandler-Mather, addressed the Construction Forestry, Mining Employees Union rally, telling them that the new law prevented them from due process. Video by Alex Bainbridge.