By Frank Enright In March, for no apparent reason, New Zealand Prime Minister Jim Bolger declared for a republic in 2000. Many in his own National Party were taken by surprise, and the opposition Labour Party could only mutter that it would be
By Mara Ochoa Brasilia — The Brazilian Workers Party (PT) opened its 9th National Meeting on April 29 in the Federal Congress Building. The participants included 440 delegates elected by municipal PT branches. Invited guests included
By Boris Kagarlitsky MOSCOW — During this northern spring, a strike wave has rolled across Russia. This has now become a tradition. The problems forcing workers to protest are generally the same: failure to pay wages, declining production and
Khmer Rouge on the march By Helen Jarvis Cambodia is once again at a crisis point. The Khmer Rouge are wreaking havoc across a 400 km arc in the north-western provinces, burning schools and hospitals so painfully rebuilt in recent years,
The range of the didgeridoo Balanda Dancing Didgeridoo: Alastair Black Music: Stephan Richter Reviewed by Jill Hickson Balanda Dancing explores the versatility of the didgeridoo. In this collection, the didgeridoo is joined by a range
SYDNEY — A planning meeting on May 11, attended by 65 women and convened by the Women's Abortion Action Campaign, decided to hold a rally on May 28, the international day for women's reproductive rights, on the issue of a woman's right to
Submarine workers win By Anthony Thirlwall ADELAIDE — Workers at the Australian Submarine Corporation returned to work on May 10 after a successful 43-day strike. The strike began on March 28 after seven workers were sacked by
The Paper Directed by Ron Howard Written by David Koepp and Stephen Koepp Starring Michael Keaton and Glenn Close Reviewed by Karen Fletcher This is a film about "one of those days", when a thousand deadlines converge, nothing goes as it
Mbongeni Ngema I was excited by Norm Dixon's review of Mbongeni Ngema's new play Magic at 4am (GLW #139). In 1992 I watched a videotaped performance of one of his earlier plays, Township Fever, on SBS and found it simply the most exciting play I
By Steve Rogers CANBERRA — One hundred and twenty thousand members of the Public Sector Union will be sent ballot papers in the coming week in a national election which is crucial for the union's future. For the first time, the incumbents are
The Politics of Pain: Torturers and their Masters Ronald D. Crelinsten and Alex P. Schmid (ed.) Leiden: Centre for the Study of Social Conflicts. 1993 Reviewed by Brian Martin What is there to know about torture, aside from that it's a
May 20 is the 20th anniversary of the formation of Fretilin (Frente Revolucionara do Timor Leste Independente), the largest East Timorese party struggling for independence from Indonesian rule. Its formation in 1974 was motivated by the fall of the