By Dave Wright and Nick Soudakoff SYDNEY — Following in the pattern of Labor and Liberal governments in other states, the NSW Carr Labor government slashed public sector jobs in its October 10 budget. This follows seven years of Liberal government
Women in the Age of Economic TransformationEdited by Nahid Aslanbeigui, Steven Pressman & Gale SummerfieldRoutledge, 1994, 232 pp.Reviewed by Carla Gorton Does privatisation marginalise women? How are women affected by the development process? Are
By Bill Mason BRISBANE — A Labor Party committee, chaired by former federal president Mick Young, has called for widespread internal reform. The report paints a picture of a party, run by a chosen few, ruling over a membership which believes the
In the largest all-black demonstration in the US since the 1950s civil rights movement, more than a million people, mainly African-American men, marched on Washington on October 16. Green Left Weekly's LISA MACDONALD spoke to MALIK MIAH, an
MOSCOW — Twenty activists of the international ecological group For Mother Earth were arrested in front of the French embassy on October 2 during a peaceful protest against the latest French nuclear test on Fangatufa. The activists, with blue Earth
Feminism: myth of the generation gap Karen Fletcher Much has been made of the supposed "generation gap" in feminism — differences of opinion between older and younger women on directions for the women's liberation movement. The following article,
By Bill Mason BRISBANE — The ACTU Queensland branch and the Goss government have finalised a deal to limit workers' access to common law actions over compensation claims. The ACTU had called on workers to march on Parliament House on October 18,
DEET workers fight for job By Frances Berney Members of the Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU) in the Department of Employment, Education and Training (DEET) have been involved in an ongoing dispute with DEET since they took strike action in
By Melanie Sjoberg ADELAIDE — A combined meeting of PSA/SAIT School Service Officers was held on October 19 to plan the next phase of a campaign to defend members jobs in this state. The meeting passed a motion calling on the Brown Liberal
The Irish famine, An Gorta Mor, was unparalleled. No famine ever claimed such a high percentage of a country's population. Only two famines in this century have claimed more lives. Below, MEADBH GALLAGHER looks behind the horror to the processes
By Bernard Wunsch BRISBANE — About 300 high school students walked out of their classes on October 18 and rallied at the Roma Street Forum in protest against Australian uranium sales to France and French nuclear testing in the Pacific. The walkout
A preliminary agreement between Croatian and Serb negotiators and UN and US mediators in Erdut in eastern Slavonia on October 3, provides for a two year transition before the region returns to Croatian control. The land is rich agricultural land and