By Renfrey Clarke MOSCOW — With close to 1000 square kilometres of Ukraine made uninhabitable by the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster, you might expect the authorities in the capital, Kiev, to take a tolerant attitude to protests against nuclear
Peace and its Discontents: Gaza-Jericho 1993-1995By Edward SaidVintage Press, 1995. 197 pp., $14.95Reviewed by Adam Hanieh Edward Said has been a prominent Palestinian critic of the peace accords since the signing of the Declaration of Principles
By Jennifer Thompson The Coalition government's Workplace Relations and Other Legislation Bill, soon to go to parliament, will contain all of the threats of the election campaign and more beside. Liberal industrial relations minister Peter Reith's
The Dunblanes that are never news By John Pilger It is three weeks since Dunblane and the moving tributes delivered by John Major and other politicians to the child victims of guns. "We must keep our anger burning bright", said David Mellor MP.
OSLO — The Norwegian government ignored scientific findings and flouted international norms to set a quota of 425 on the north-east Atlantic population of minke whales on May 4, according to Greenpeace Norway. In 1982, the International Whaling
By Norm Dixon The trial of Magnus Malan and the other apartheid generals in Durban is revealing the extent of Mangosuthu Gatsha Buthelezi's sordid collaboration with the apartheid regime. It is now apparent that Buthelezi himself was part of the
Feminists organise toys for Cuba MELBOURNE — Radical Women, a socialist feminist organisation, has appealed to Australian supporters of Cuba to contribute to the 1996 Cuban Children's Day Toy Appeal. The appeal, an initiative of the Federation
Peter Montague New York Times writer Gina Kolata on April 29 renewed efforts to discredit the theory and evidence that industrial chemicals interfere with hormones, causing harm to wildlife and humans. [Kolata's article was reprinted in the May 4
Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Sunday, 4pm-7pm. Access News — Melbourne community TV, Channel 31,
By Ben Reid MELBOURNE — An estimated 2000 workers from the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) attended a stop-work meeting on May 8. Meetings were also held in other centres. The purpose was to reaffirm the union's push for a 15% pay rise
[The following is an excerpt from a letter written to Resistance by Xanana Gusmao, jailed leader of the National Council of Maubere Resistance (CNRM) in 1995]. I am honoured and proud for the Maubere people to receive your letter. Proud because
1974: Portugese dictator overthrown. New political parties formed in East Timor: Timorese Democratic Union (UDT), Social Democratic Association of Timor (ASDT; later Fretilin) and Timorese Popular Democratic Association (Apodeti). October 16