"No free trade without free trade unions" was the theme of the 300-strong May day march on May 1 in Adelaide. Melanie Sjoberg reports that Greg Mead, author of The Royal Omission, told the crowd about the gross misrepresentation of Aboriginal culture
By Jorge Jorquera PERTH — Thirty-five people attended a Democratic Socialist Party and Resistance Politics in the Pub on May 10 to discuss the "new wave" of racism being generated by the Howard government and how to combat it. Speakers included
By Jennifer Thompson Workers at CRA-owned Novacoal's Vickery mine are still on strike after the federal Industrial Relations Commission arbitrated on April 24 in favour of management, allowing the introduction of 12-hour shifts for a six-month
Nick Everett is a member of Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor (ASIET) in Brisbane. He recently spent ten days in East Timor, travelling to Dili, Bacau, Los Palos and a number of other towns. He was able to observe the situation of
Picnicking in peace Situated, as I am, in a somewhat northerly aspect of this landscape, a few kilometres south of the Tropic of Capricorn and in cooee of a cane toad or two, I leave myself open to being addressed at all-too-frequent intervals by
By Bill Mason BRISBANE — The Registrar of Aboriginal Corporations on May 8 cleared the Brisbane Aboriginal Legal Service of any wrongdoing. Registrar Noureddine Bouhafs has advised the service that it will be able to go back to Aboriginal
By Art Y Nearly four months ago, the Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK) proclaimed a unilateral cease-fire and called on the Turkish government to negotiate on the issues regarding the Kurdish question. In response, Turkish troops began a mass operation
Comment by Greg Adamson The latest round of Community and Public Sector Union mass meetings against Howard's threatened 10% cut to the Australian public sector showed that the mood for a fight is strong among broad sectors of public sector workers.
By Norm Dixon Local government elections in KwaZulu/Natal scheduled for May 29 have been again postponed due to escalating violence in the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) controlled province. The local poll, which took place in most other parts of
By Melanie Sjoberg ADELAIDE — More than 1000 people rallied at Noarlunga in the southern suburbs on May 8 as part of the campaign against the state Liberal government's cuts to education. Around 100 schools were closed as part of the rolling
By Pip Hinman This year's film festival, June 7-22, promises some fascinating new films from countries not often represented. Apart from a range of films from Europe, Britain, the US and Asia, films from Iceland, Brazil and Vietnam will also
American TabloidBy James EllroyArrow, 1995, 585 pp., $12.95 (pb)Reviewed by Phil Shannon Home of the brave, land of the free: whoever penned that didn't want us to know about the dark side of the United States — the CIA, Hoover's witch-hunting FBI,