By Ben Reid and Jo Williams MELBOURNE — Members of the National Tertiary Education and Industry Union (NTEU) at Melbourne University on April 9 voted by a narrow margin to accept an administration offer in the current round of enterprise
Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Thursday, 10pm, and Saturday, 7pm. Access News — Melbourne
By Amanda Sully and Mat Hines HOBART — The environment movement has deplored the rafting company Peregrine Adventures' use of the Mt McCall track in Tasmania's west. Contradicting the world heritage management plan, the federal government has
Library campaign: three rallies and a partial victory By Alex Bainbridge and Rebecca Hensley NEWCASTLE — On April 11, Newcastle University Council agreed to review its decision to close the Huxley Library, after hundreds of students
By Sam Wainwright PARIS — It is certainly not exaggeration or scaremongering to call the National Front (FN) fascist. Of course, given France's experience of Nazi occupation, the FN hotly rejects the label. But its leader, Jean-Marie Le Pen,
By Sarah Peart On March 24, seven East Timorese youth were shot dead and 42 wounded, four severely, during a peaceful demonstration inside the Mahkota Hotel in Dili. The 200-strong rally of students from the University of East Timor had been
Indonesians to boycott rigged elections By Max Lane The militant section of the Indonesian pro-democracy movement has launched a campaign to galvanise the general sentiment to boycott the May 29 general elections into an active movement to
China plans to shrink state sector further The leaders of the Communist Party of China have arrived at a "unified view" on further reducing the weight of the state sector in the economy, according to Fan Hengshan, a senior official of China's
By Sue Bolton MELBOURNE — A survey of 78 local governments conducted by the Victorian state parliamentary Labor Party, results of which were made public on April 9, revealed a massive drop in the number of food inspectors. This follows the
By Sam Wainwright PARIS — The shock of seeing Jean-Marie Le Pen's fascist National Front (FN) win the mayoral elections in the town of Vitrolles, the fourth town to fall under its control, has sparked widespread concern and debate about the
By Norm Dixon "We're advancing, we're heading for Kinshasa. That is our objective ... this is the time for Mobutu to go", declared rebel leader Laurent Kabila on April 8 before a crowd of 50,000 cheering supporters in Mbuji-Mayi, the capital of
Moving protest in Indonesian courtroom On April 7, members of the Struggle Alliance for Democracy and Human Rights (APDHAM) entered the courtroom where Dita Sari and Coen Pontoh were being tried. It was the day on which they would read their