General secretary Vickramabahu "Bahu" Karunarathne and two other members of the New Sama Samaja Party (NSSP) have been detained by police in connection with an arms cache police claim to have discovered in a building housing the Health Workers Trade
Sydney rally agains racism SYDNEY — Up to 1500 people attended a rally against racism at Hyde Park on April 12. Protesters came from as far afield as Cabramatta and Bankstown to demand an end to the government's racist attacks on migrants and
Society give funk a lift ElevatorSocietyTo order phone (02) 9363 9417 Review by Norm Dixon This spunky little collection of remixes of Society's new single "Elevator" is just a taste of what lies in store for funk fans around November, when
By Daniel Kelly DARWIN — On April 5, the Northern Territory branch conference of the Community and Public Sector Union voted to call for action by the CPSU national executive to back up negotiations with the federal government for an
Towards a Peaceful Solution in East TimorBy Jose Ramos HortaProduced by the East Timor Relief AssociationPO Box 23, Fairfield NSW 216567 pp. Review by Jon Lamb This booklet aims to improve awareness of and international support for the peace
Comment by Ron Guignard Alex Bainbridge's "Self-sufficiency or self-determination?" (GLW #262), quotes Ted Trainer's thesis: our planet can't sustain our consumption now, let alone the 10-fold increase needed if all people in the world of 2060
Analytical Marxism: A CritiqueBy Marcus RobertsVerso, 1996. 268 pp., $39.95 Review by Neville Spencer Probably most Marxists would barely have heard of Analytical Marxism. However, within those academic circles which still maintain some
@letter head = Moral posturing What a lot of gutless Torquemadas, these pseudo States Rights politicians in their recent bill to prolong the agony and suffering of the dying — all their moral posturing, merely to feed their own eccentric
By Tessha Mearing and Nikki Ulasowski WOLLONGONG — The federal government's work-for-the-dole scheme is targeted at unemployed people aged between 15 and 24 years. Under the scheme, those 15-21 will work for 20 hours per week, and 21-24-year
"The age of union militancy has passed; the age of employer militancy has arrived", according to Ross Gittins, writing in the Sydney Morning Herald. The aim of the article was to look at why "the bosses are winning". The most interesting aspect
McCops On March 21, the Detroit Police Department opened "community work stations" inside 30 of the city's McDonald's fast food joints. A Detroit PD spokesperson described the arrangement as "a partnership of sorts" and said that cops will be
CJC probes police violence in Ipswich By Bill Mason BRISBANE — The Queensland Criminal Justice Commission has begun investigations into allegations of police violence against Aboriginal youth during arrests made outside a nightclub in the