Labour hire workers on strike By Sue Bolton MELBOURNE — After three and a half weeks on strike, a September 24 mass meeting of Australian Manufacturing Workers Union members who work for labour hire companies voted to continue their
By Norm Dixon Delegates attending the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) sixth national congress, on September 16-19, have sharply criticised the economic policies of the African National Congress government and its failure to
By Peter Montague The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on August 15 ordered a grassroots citizens' group in Missouri to turn over all of its records to the agency within five days or face penalties of $25,000 per day. Steve Taylor,
By Chris Spindler The federal government's decision about whether or not to allow uranium mining at Jabiluka in the NT will be made very soon. If the go-ahead is given, Energy Resources Australia (ERA) will open the new mine and push a
Cairns wharfies win 'for all unions' By Bill Mason BRISBANE — The victory of the waterside workers in Cairns in the week ending September 19 was a win "for the Maritime Union of Australia and for all unions", MUA spokesperson Col Davies
Indonesia Alert!Edited by Kurt Biddle and Malik MiahPrinted by Inkworks, USA Review by Nick Everett Indonesia Alert! is a new publication produced by supporters of Indonesia's democracy movement in the United States. It reports on developments
Following is an abridged version of a leaflet handed out by the Loxicha People's Union Against Repression (LPUAR) at a demonstration in Oaxaca City Square in August against the arbitrary arrest of 68 people. Oaxaca is the capital of Oaxaca State in
We're taking a break Green Left Weekly is taking a one-week break with this issue. The next issue will be dated October 15.
By Jim Green The federal government has three options to deal with the stockpile of 1600 highly radioactive spent fuel rods currently stored at Lucas Heights and the 300 that will be generated over the remaining life of the HIFAR reactor.
Dispute in Victorian hospitals escalates By Gabrielle Wheeler MELBOURNE — Health professionals in Victoria are turning to militant action in response to the refusal of hospital managements and the state government to enter into any real
Historian BENJAMIN STORA is well known for his writings on Algeria and colonialism, including History of the Algerian War (1954-1962), History of Algeria After Independence (1962-1994), and The Sources of Algerian Nationalism. He has just published
By Zanny Begg On October 18, 1967, more than 200,000 people gathered in the Plaza of the Revolution in Havana to hear Fidel Castro read an obituary to Che Guevara, who had been assassinated in Bolivia nine days before. To the crowd gathered in