Libya wins court ruling The International Court of Justice at the Hague ruled 13 to two on February 27 that it had the authority to decide whether Libya must surrender two of its citizens for trial on charges of blowing up a Pan Am jumbo jet over
By Allen Myers "The defence of ignorance is no longer available. Individual Australians are not responsible for the actions of others. But if Australians fail to respond to what you now know, that is another thing", said Gatjil Djerrkura, the
The duchess of King Street The Duchess of MalfiBy John WebsterDirected by Margaret DavisNew Theatre, King Street, NewtownFri-Sun until April 25 Review by Allen Myers If it were now September, I would declare this almost certainly Sydney's play of
By Ben Reid MELBOURNE — As the rank-and-file Workers First campaign gears up to challenge the conservative leadership of the Victorian metals division of the Amalgamated Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU), the Financial Review has indicated which
Japanese activists block nuclear waste ship Anti-nuclear activists in the fishing village of Rokkasho in Japan celebrated a temporary victory on March 10, when a ship carrying 30 tonnes of nuclear waste from France for storage in Rokkasho was
NOWSA at Nepean By Cass Pomroy Between June 28 and July 4, the annual NOWSA (Network of Women Students in Australia) conference will be held at the University of Western Sydney's Nepean campus. The theme for this year's conferences is "That was
By Frederick Kirschenmann If the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has its way, food now known as "organically grown" may be genetically engineered, fertilised with sewage sludge, and/or irradiated with nuclear wastes. On December 16, USDA
Hinchinbrook appeal denied On March 13, the Friends of Hinchinbrook lost their application for special leave to the High Court to appeal the Federal Court's decision last year to allow Cardwell Properties' planned tourist resort at Oyster Point,
Marchers back Tibetan independence Tibetans living in Australia and their supporters on March 10 completed an 11-day march from Sydney to Canberra, conducted to publicise demands on the Chinese government to recognise Tibet's right to independence
By Sarah Connor "Unity is the world's key, and racial harmony.Until the white man stops calling himself whiteand the black man stops calling himself black,we will not see it. All the people on earthare just one family." — Bob Marley, 1978 Some
AmistadDirected by Steven SpielbergWith Djimon Hounsou, Matthew McConaughey, Morgan Freeman, Stellan Skarsgard, Nigel Hawthorne, Pete Postlewaite and Anthony Hopkins Review by Norm Dixon Steven Spielberg's $75 million Amistad is really two films.
By Eva Cheng In response to Indonesian President Suharto's attempts to backtrack from the promises which he gave the International Monetary Fund in exchange for US$43 billion in emergency credit lines, the US establishment has stepped up the