By Nikki Ulasowski CANBERRA — Derek Corrigan, brother of Patrick's boss Chris Corrigan, spoke at the University of Canberra on April 29 and the Australian National University on April 30. The forums were organised by Resistance. Corrigan
Sandinista activist speaks By Mike Byrne and Lynda Hansen BRISBANE — More than 50 people attended a forum on land rights and autonomy in Nicaragua at the Resistance Centre on April 27. Sandinista national directorate member Dorotea Wilson spoke
Equality of outcome In a submission last week to the Howard government's review of the Affirmative Action (Equal Employment Opportunity for Women) Act, the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry proposed that the name of the legislation be
The slimy Patrick's scab Words by Geoff Francis & Peter Hicks Tune: works well with "The Sydney Market Boys" — or try your own!We are pleased to donate this song to assist the MUA in their struggle. Please use it widely and pass it on. If
Raid on TWU a 'payback' By Bill Mason BRISBANE — Transport Workers Union (TWU) Queensland secretary Hughie Williams described a raid on the union's Brisbane office by officials of the Employment Advocate as a "payback" for the TWU's court
By James Balowski Amid massive student protests across the country, the Indonesian government has called for "dialogue", and at the same time threatened to use "repressive measures" to stop the demonstrations. But the threats and the
MUA vs NFF The day the Australian government sacked its maritime workers andreplaced them with farmers was the same day it sacked allof its poets and replaced them with sub-editors, itsfootballers with swimmers, its jockeyswith tag-wrestlers (the
WASHINGTON — The US Department of Energy (DOE) plans to replace existing nuclear weapons with modified or new ones. This was revealed on April 21 when the agency was forced to release a declassified version of its October 1997 "Stockpile
Burma This statement was presented to the final plenary session on behalf of the All Burma Students Democratic Front and adopted by acclamation. 1. We call on the illegitimate military regime, the State Peace and Development Council, for the
Positive thinking "We'd like to see the [Affirmative Action] Agency in a more positive role, as a resource centre, not as it's seen now, as an enforcer." — Reg Hamilton, from the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, calling for an end to
'Bloody Friday' in Villawood detention centre SYDNEY — The following report of a vicious attack on refugees in the Villawood Detention Centre is abridged from the Arab community newspaper, El-Telegraph. It was translated for Green Left Weekly by
Participants representing overseas and indigenous people's struggles Participants representing overseas and indigenous people's struggles Aceh Muhammad Dahlan — Acehnese Association of Australia Aotearoa/New Zealand Hone Haranira —