By Brandon Astor Jones
"If there is anything that we wish to change in the child, we should first examine it and see whether it is something that could better be changed in ourselves" — Carl Gustav Jung Chaquita Damon, age five,
By Zanny Begg
Auckland — In an attempt to silence student opposition to government cuts, the New Zealand government passed legislation on August 5 that will undermine universal student membership of student unions. The legislation requires all
Compromising with racism
When Senator Brian Harradine caved in and agreed to passage of the government's Native Title Act amendments through the Senate, he argued that this was necessary to avoid a "race-based election". The Labor Party, in
Dita Sari: 'Habibie is Suhartoism without Suharto'
JAKARTA — Green Left Weekly's JULIA PERKINS recently spoke to DITA SARI, People's Democratic Party (PRD) leader and chairperson of the Centre for Indonesian Labour Struggle, in Tangerang women's
Anti-uranium campaigning on NSW North Coast
By Nick Fredman
LISMORE — Bolstered by the return of activists from the Jabiluka mine blockade, the campaign against the mine and all uranium mining has been stepped up here. Successful activities
By Sue Boland
If you believed the hype, you would think that everyone — rich and poor — will be better off under the new Howard-Costello tax plan. But it's not possible for something to benefit both rich and poor, both bosses and workers. A
Socialists to field Senate tickets in all states
The Democratic Socialists, who recently obtained federal electoral registration, will field Senate tickets in all states in the coming federal elections. Democratic Socialists will also contest
By Zohl de Ishtar
US secretary of state Madeleine Albright and defence secretary William Cohen recently visited Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand. Meeting with Australia's defence minister, Ian McLachlan, and foreign minister Alexander Downer,
According to a recently released report, results from four human pesticide experiments have been submitted to the US Environmental Protection Agency since 1992, and EPA regulators believe that more are under way in Britain. The growing use of human
By Dennis Grammenos
The neo-liberal agenda is being imposed on Colombian workers through the union-busting overhaul of the country's labour code and the unrelenting terror of death squads. The anti-union onslaught has taken its toll on Colombia's
"We don't work for consumers in Argentina or Africa, and we don't care about public health issues there." That was how the US deputy assistant trade representative for intellectual property responded two years ago to a suggestion that the US trade representative (USTR) should approach pharmaceutical patent policies as a public health issue rather than as a trade issue.
By Francesca Davis
On August 9, the Australian Greens announced their national Senate team. Greens Senator Bob Brown predicted the party would win extra seats in the eastern states and retain the seat held by Dee Margetts from the WA Greens. In
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