By Allen Myers Phrases like "ancient hatreds" and reminders that World War I was sparked by national conflicts in the Balkans have accompanied much of the establishment media coverage of recent events in Serbia and Kosova — just as they did the
The Whole WomanBy Germaine GreerDoubleday, 1999330 pp., $24.95 (pb) Review by Kath Gelber "It's time to get angry again." So ends the introduction to Greer's latest book, The Whole Woman. It's a powerful book, a call to arms, a reminder that
Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Thursday, 10pm and Saturday, 7pm. Ph 9565 5522. Access News —
By Renfrey Clarke MOSCOW — In cities and towns throughout Russia, repressive official policies have helped create a huge pool of narcotics users infected with the HIV virus. The infection is now poised to spread swiftly among young people who are
By Dick Nichols When Ian Bray, the National MUA Rank and File candidate for assistant secretary , was due to speak at CTAL, P&O Ports' container terminal at Port Botany, he didn't know what to expect. "You never know what reception you're going

By Doug Lorimer The current conflict between the Western powers and the Serbian state has its roots in the decision in 1913 by these powers to hand over nearly half of Albania (the present-day region of Kosova) to Serbian control. Once again the

McSux: taking on the corporate giant By Huw Lockwood and Kim Bullimore British activists Helen Steel and David Morris, who have been fighting the fast food giant McDonald's since they were sued for libel for producing the "What's wrong with
...Looking out: Good advice By Brandon Astor Jones "Friendship is a ... commerce between equals; love, an abject intercourse between tyrants and slaves." — Oliver Goldsmith The Irish author's words above say a lot to us all, but to some,
Habibie regime reneging on East Timor MAX LANE is the national coordinator of Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor. He spoke to Green Left Weekly about recent events in those countries. Question: Is the Habibie regime looking
... and ain't I a woman?: Sexism and racism in the Balkans According to the Sydney Morning Herald's correspondent in Belgrade (April 4), the president of the Serbian writers' club, Ratko Adamovic, believes there is a cultural gulf between Serbs
French far-left election alliance raises hopes By Eva Cheng PARIS — The French far left could win four seats in the June 13 European elections. There has been an encouraging response to the joint ticket between the Ligue Communiste
Workers take protest to five-star hotel By Vannessa Hearman MELBOURNE — A combined delegates rally involving all construction unions is scheduled later this month to discuss the growing problem of non-union labour in the industry. More than