BY VIV MILEY Following the Cuban Revolution in 1959, Washington launched many unsuccessful attempts to overthrow the popular revolution that had triumphed just 140 kilometres(90 miles) from US shores. The most notorious attempt was at the Bay of
BY SEAN HEALY "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist." — Roger "Verbal" Kint (Kevin Spacey), The Usual Suspects, 1995. "M1 can be as big as it likes", someone recently said to me, "but isn't opposing
“His Majesty's ship Leopard forced the [USS] Chesapeake to surrender off the Virginia Capes in 1807, and sullied American national honor by impressing American men ... two of the four impressed sailors were men of color. White dominated
BY VIRGINIA BROWN & SARAH STEPHEN PERTH — This year's International Women's Day march here on March 10 was a huge success, with larger numbers marching with more energy and enthusiasm than for many years. There was also an unusually large number
BY ALEX BAINBRIDGE HOBART — Forestry Tasmania's planned Southwood Resources woodchip mill in the Huon valley is under intense pressure from increased public opposition. This was reflected most strongly in a rally here of thousands of people on
BY KATHY LOWE The first political prisoner to perish in the long-running hunger strike in Turkey's jails met his death on March 25. He was Cengiz Soydas, who died in an isolation cell in Turkey's Sincan prison after fasting for 133 days. Despite
BY EVA CHENG News of what appear to be spontaneous rebellions by workers against attacks on their social rights and living standards resulting from the Chinese Communist Party bureaucracy's drive to restore capitalism continue to seep out of
BY SEAN HEALY Thousands of Turkish workers filled the streets of the country's major cities on March 31 to protest against the terms of a "bailout" package agreed between the country's government and the International Monetary Fund. Demonstrators
BY SARAH PEART & JACKIE LYNCH Activists around the country are once again practising their anti-corporate chants for the blockades of stock exchanges and business districts on May 1, buoyed by the success, beyond most people's imaginings, of the
BY FLAVIA CARABALLO WOLLONGONG — Residents in the Illawarra region are fighting Wollongong City Council and the multinational Stockland company over a 428-lot housing development planned for Sandon Point, Bulli. This piece of land is one
BY LISA MACDONALD SYDNEY — With just three weeks to go until the big day, M1 Sydney has begun to plan in detail how it will fulfill its stated aim, to "shut down corporate Sydney". The plan involves quickly establishing a strong blockade at the
Unfortunately, neither can the rest of us "I will not walk away from my decision." — Former Australian Democrats leader Senator Meg Lees commenting on her decision to support the introduction of the GST, widely attributed as the reason for her