Fanta Babies There are all sorts of breasts in the world Girls wearing mud breaststo induce the growth of their own Silicone for the dissatisfied, the sorcerous Hormones for the boys — soft twelve-year-old breasts And in this one very
BY NOREEN NAVIN SYDNEY — The New South Wales Teachers Federation is in the midst of a bitter dispute over the stance the union has taken on Israel's occupation of Palestine, with the federation's executive standing by its opposition to Israeli
BY LISA HAUGAARD On September 20, 1996, the Pentagon released to the public seven manuals prepared by the US military and used between 1987 and 1991 for intelligence training in Latin America and at the School of the Americas. From start to
BY PAT BREWER CANBERRA — In a surprise move, John Stanhope, the chief minister of the new ACT Labor government, has announced that he will remove foetal images from a compulsory information booklet shown to women seeking an abortion in the
BY GARY MEYERHOFF Drug user advocate groups have long argued that the Northern Territory should replace its methadone reduction program, which only gives opiate users access to the drug for three months, with a long-term methadone maintenance
Cover-up: the inside story of the Balibo FiveBy Jill JoliffeScribe BooksMelbourne, 2001360 pages, $35 REVIEW BY JO ELLIS It was close to dawn on October 16, 1975, when journalists Greg Shackleton, Gary Cunningham, Tony Stewart, Brian Peters and
BY MARCEL CAMERON BRISBANE — "Our bombs and missiles will be as effective [in fighting terrorism] as fighting fire with kerosene", retired brigadier Adrian D'Hage told a packed Brisbane Town Hall, filled with 250 people for a November 27 "Public
BY JOHN PILGER LONDON — Polite society's bombers may not have to wait long for round two. The US vice-president, Dick Cheney, warned last week that America could take action against "40 to 50 countries". Somalia, allegedly a "haven" for al Qaeda,
BY KERRY VERNON BRISBANE — Renowned US activist Angela Davis joined dozens of activists, solicitors and researchers working inside and outside prison who gathered here from November 28-30 to discuss the impact of imprisonment on women. Famous
The First Ladies' Club of Hypocrisy If you believed their press comments, Laura Bush and Cherie Blair, the wives, respectively, of US President George Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, care deeply about the women of Afghanistan.
Thirty detainees at the Maribyrnong detention centre issued a statement on November 23 drawing attention to their treatment at the hands of security company Australasian Correctional Management and the immigration department, claiming that, in recent
BY ANDREW HALL The future direction of the Community and Public Sector Union is to be decided December 3-7 as branches vote on whether to accept restructuring plans proposed by the CPSU leadership. The proposed changes — the concentration of