BY JEFF SHANTZ TORONTO — The Great Lakes Security Summit, held here April 7-9, brought together Canadian provincial premiers and US state governors from the Great Lakes region for a conference on Canada-US "border security". Also present were US
BY ROHAN REARCE Since the White House set its sights on the invasion of Iraq, the Murdoch family-owned press around the world has been solidly pro-war. However, the April 7 edition of the Daily Telegraph, Murdoch's Sydney tabloid, set a new low
BY KERRYN WILLIAMS CANBERRA — The Members First group in the Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU) is running a national ticket against the ALP-dominated incumbent team in the union elections starting on May 2. The Members First candidates
BY KERRYN WILLIAMS CANBERRA — The Socialist Alliance in the ACT has doubled its financial membership over the past month, a result of intense involvement in the anti-war movement. The alliance has also collected thousands of signatures on a
BY SARAH STEPHEN Afghan refugees, some of whom have lived in Australia for three years, are being taken from their houses in the early hours of the morning and put into detention because the immigration department argues that they are not
BY KAMALA EMANUEL BURNIE — Student anti-war activist Matt Hardy completed a week-long hunger strike against war on Iraq on April 2. Supported by a network of friends and family, Hardy spent the week outside the Kmart Plaza on one of the main
BY ADAM LEEMAN SYDNEY — "The company is expecting us to give up, but the longer we are out here the stronger we get", a striking worker at picket line outside the Morris McMahon can manufacturing plant told Green Left Weekly. Sixty-five workers
BY ALISON DELLIT Federal Labor leader Simon Crean has signalled yet another retreat on Labor's "anti-war" position. Speaking to the ABC's AM program on April 11, Crean said, "If we are part of the occupying force, the ability to bring [the troops]
BY SARAH STEPHEN Hundreds of refugee-rights campaigners will converge on Baxter detention centre from all over Australia on the Easter weekend to focus the national spotlight on the horrors of mandatory detention. There is disconetent among local
BY DOUG LORIMER Emboldened by the US military's apparent quick defeat of the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein, the war hawks in and around the administration of US President George Bush are setting their sights on "regime change" in Syria and Iran.
Labor Council roasted The right-wing controlled NSW Labor Council has received a barrage of letters condemning their attack on the Books Not Bombs student anti-war protests. They are buried in the back of the letters page of the Workers Online web
OAKLAND, California — More than 10,000 people marched through downtown Oakland on April 6 to protest against the US invasion of Iraq. Many participated in contingents of people of colour, labour and students. At the end of the march, singer