In two separate incidents in late March, dozens of civilians in Iraq were killed by what eyewitness survivors say were US airstrikes. US officials, however, offered a range of denials and evasions about what may have caused the explosions. Despite
The role of women in the military has been brought to the fore again, as a torrent of sexist nonsense has emerged following the capture of women soldiers by Iraqi forces. According to the March 27 New York Times, Elaine Donnelly, president of the
BY KATHERINE BRADSTREET The national anti-war student network Books Not Bombs (BNB) will be holding conferences in every state over the Easter weekend to plan its coming activities and campaigns. "While CNN tells us that Iraq has been
BY DAVID BACON SACRAMENTO — In 1968, bombs dropped over Vietnam exploded in US cities. Poverty and inequality combined with war to set cities alight. Today, young people's shrinking possibilities for a future other than military service after
BY TAMARA PEARSON A successful two-day general strike on March 18-19 gave the opposition Movement for Democratic Change a large boost to win the March 29-30 Highfield by-election. The by-election was called following the expulsion from the MDC of
BY NORM DIXON The international journalists' rights group Reporters Without Borders on April 8 called on US defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld to provide evidence that the offices of the pan-Arab TV station al Jazeera and the Palestine Hotel in
The Children of the Gulf War, an exhibition of photographs depicting the effects of depleted uranium on the children of the Iraq, is showing at the Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts (PICA) until April 24. The exhibition consists of 58
BY DOUG LORIMER “Already, the international battle for Iraq's oil resources is taking shape, as the rhetoric over who will administer post-war Iraq intensifies”, the US Congress-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty reported on April 8.
BY BEN COLLINS MELBOURNE — About 1000 trade unionists met on April 9 to protest against the findings of the royal commission into the building industry and to plan the next steps in the campaign to defend unions from federal government attacks.
BY MIKE LEBOWITZ There was a lot of confusion outside Venezuela during the last year about what has been happening there. Some people have asked, "How could progressives and trade unionists support the Venezuelan government of President Hugo Chavez
BY ROHAN PEARCE Despite quick proclamations of "victory" by the US media, fighting in Iraq continues. So too does the devastation of the country's fragile infrastructure and the suffering of the most vulnerable sections of Iraqi society due to a
BY SUE BOLTON On April 14, ballot papers will be posted to all members of the Maritime Union of Australia for what is likely to be the most significant MUA election in years, with opposition tickets in most MUA branches, as well as an