Free market, Dubya style "Companies awarded $8 billion in contracts to rebuild Iraq and Afghanistan have been major campaign donors to President Bush, and their executives have had important political and military connections, according to a study
BY ALAN MAASS CHICAGO — The October 25 demonstrations marked the first national US mobilisation of the anti-war movement since the US-led invasion of Iraq. The demonstrations in Washington and San Francisco came after the systematic lies of US
BY CATHERINE COOK WEST BANK — In Jayyous, a village of 3000 inhabitants in the northern West Bank, Najah Shamasneh cradles her granddaughter in her lap and listens to her husband Yusuf tell of the loss of their agricultural land. The Shamasneh
BY ROBYN MARSHALL BRISBANE — "As socialists, we ignore our own history at our peril", Jim McIlroy, author of a new pamphlet by Resistance Books, Australia's First Socialists, told a book launch sponsored by Green Left Weekly on October 29.
BY RAUL BASSI& PIP HINMAN Brian Sketchley takes Green Left Weekly to task for arguing for a mass anti-war movement aimed at getting the US-led occupying troops out of Iraq. It's futile, he argues, because the ruling class never listens. The
BY ROBYN MARSHALL BRISBANE — Twenty-five years after Australians first marched against sexual violence, women and children again took to the streets on October 31 to Reclaim the Night, which is an international event held on the last Friday in
Web of Deceit: Britain's Real Role in the WorldBy Mark CurtisVintage, 2003512 pages, $24.95 (pb) REVIEW BY PHIL SHANNON "We must at all costs maintain control of this oil", Britain's foreign secretary wrote to the US secretary of state in 1956.
BY TIM COLLINS It has been nearly 60 years since the world was horrified by the destructive force of the nuclear bombs that were dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And it is 50 years since Indigenous communities in South
BY NORM DIXON Noam Chomsky, the distinguished US political scientist and Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor, has attended the 25th Assembly of the Latin American Social Science Council. Addressing the conference on October 29, also
BY BRYAN SKETCHLEY A number of recent articles in Green Left Weekly have carried a common thread of argument for what the anti-war movement needs to be doing now, its strategies and goals. That line of thought was succinctly encapsulated in the
[This message was sent by journalist John Pilger to the October 22 Sydney protest against the visit of US President George Bush.] This demonstration, and our anger, is not simply directed at a foreign politician we don't like and like to poke fun
BY NORM DIXON Major contributors to US President George Bush's election war chest have been awarded around US$8 billion in contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Washington-based US Center for Public Integrity (CPI) reported on October 30.