Ali Abunimah The April 14 meeting between US President George Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in Washington sent Palestinian leaders into a flying panic. But their response reeks of desperation and self-interest rather than any real
Iraq war I There can be no doubt that planet Earth would be a much safer place without the likes of George W. Bush. Here we are a year into the chaos of Iraq with thousands of Iraqis either dead or maimed; 600 dead US soldiers; a country bordering
Chris Atkinson, Melbourne "We support the mounting campaign of the Iraqi people to rid their country of foreign military occupation", said Adelaide Resistance activist Amy McDonell in the opening report of Resistance's national conference on April
Doug Lorimer For the first time, the regime in Washington has been forced to directly confront the comparison between its 1960s and 1970s Vietnam War and its current war in Iraq. In an April 7 congressional debate, Joseph Biden, a senior
Eva Cheng On April 11, more than 20,000 people marched to China's central government liaison office in Hong Kong. They were protesting Beijing's backtrack from a promise, made before the 1997 handover of Hong Kong's sovereignty to China, that the
Jenny Long, Sydney After weeks of softening up for a promised horrific cut in public spending in NSW, the minibudget announced by Treasurer Michael Egan on April 6 was promoted by him as a "tough but fair" response to the Labor state government's
Sarah Stephen Conceding the situation in the war-torn country was not "settling down", immigration minister Amanda Vanstone announced on April 10 that the government would lift the freeze on processing asylum applications from Iraqis on three-year
They sailed for survival, for peace and justice,They sailed for each other, they put their faith in us,But you hold them in your gulags, your island cells of shame,To teach them all a lesson, you hold them in our name. They sailed across the oceanA
Kim Bullimore Two weeks before the April 15 announcement by federal cabinet that the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) was to be scrapped on July 1, an editorial in Rupert Murdoch's Australian proclaimed that ATSIC had lost
Rohan Pearce Wondering what's been happening in Iraq? Here's US President George Bush's account: "Coalition forces have encountered serious violence in some areas of Iraq. Our military commanders report that this violence is being instigated by