Greenpeace closes incinerator AMSTERDAM — Greenpeace activists closed down the largest household waste incinerator in Europe on May 12. They blocked the waste bunker and climbed into the transportation cranes of the AVR plant at Rotterdam.
By Sally Low and Peter Annear PRAGUE — A split in the Czechoslovak republic is more likely after an exchange in early May between Vladimir Meciar, leader of the popular Movement for a Democratic Slovakia (HZDS), and Czechoslovak President
Zentropa Directed by Lars Von Trier Starring Jean-Marc Barr, Barbara Sukowa, Udo Kier, Ernst-Hugo Jaregard Reviewed by Mario Giorgetti Lars Von Trier's deeply reflective trilogy, begun with Element of Crime in 1984 and followed by Epidemic
By Tim Anderson No scalps at ICAC It seems that no serious charges will be laid against senior police or prison officers after the Independent Commission Against Corruption's prisoner informers inquiry. There will be no major "scalps", and
Woodchippers demand more rainforest MADANG — The only clearfell woodchip operation of tropical rainforest in the world, here in Madang province, is set to expand according to Glen Barry. Barry is the landowner awareness officer of the Wau
WA meatworkers locked out By Glenn Ferguson and Geoff Spencer PERTH — Workers at Preston River abattoir at Dardanup in south-west WA have been locked out in a dispute over unfair contracts. The lockout followed the union's (AMIEU) decision
ADELAIDE — Close to 500 people marched from Parliament House to Victoria Square on May 27 to mark the 25th anniversary of the vote for Aboriginal "citizenship" in Australia. Union speaker John Hartley summed up the feeling of the day when he
Plant a seed on June 5 Hundreds of primary and high school students around the country will hit the shopping malls and footpaths on World Environment Day, selling bundles of river red gum seeds. Greenpeace initiated the June 5 project as a
Law of the market "Observance of the law plays little role in the industry. The law of the jungle prevails." — Roger Gyles, QC, in his $25 million report on the NSW building industry royal commission. Law and the market "We are frankly
Labour history in song and yarn A cassette of folk songs and yarns celebrating the shearers' strike of 1891 is one of a series of eight cassettes available from ABC Radio Tapes. A spin-off from the weekly program Songs and stories of
A World Without Pity (Un Monde sans Pitie) Writer/director Eric Rochard Starring Hippolyte Girarot, Mireille Perrier Reviewed by Pat Brewer "Hippo doesn't believe in God, nor in a bright future, nor in the European Market. He has no dreams,
The media weren't happy with the second convention of the German Greens, held in eastern Berlin May 15-17. "Beer and sausage are preferable to sharp discussion", was the comment of one local journalist.
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