Amanda Griscom Little Was global warming behind the recent catastrophic tsunami in the Indian Ocean? Of course not. Nor did it cause the Iraqi insurgency, the national debt or US pop-star Ashley Simpson's lip-synching episode. Global warming is
On January 12, the Iraq Survey Group — Washington's "weapons inspectors" charged with discovering the vast arsenal of weapons of mass destruction that the White House claimed Saddam Hussein's regime possessed — announced that the search for Iraqi
Dick Nichols Exit the cardboard messiah, sunk in self-pity. Enter (stage right) the new round of candidate saviours. Good grief, they look a bit shopworn, don't they? Thrice-recycled "bomber" Beazley with his pompous drone about "stability",
Pyrrhic victory "Last November's operation in Falluja, most analysts agree, succeeded less in breaking 'the back' of the insurgency — as Marine Gen. John Sattler optimistically declared at the time — than in spreading it out." — Newsweek,
Remember the outrage and incredulity you felt over the Howard government's handling of the Tampa incident? The Refugee Rights Action Network in Western Australia is making an urgent appeal for funds to support a convergence at the Baxter detention
The Exception to the Rulers: Exposing America's War Profiteers, the Media That Love Them and the Crackdown on our RightsBy Amy Goodman, with David GoodmanAllen & Unwin346 pages (pb), $24.95 REVIEW BY MAUREEN FRANCES This book examines how our
Chris Slee Tamils around the world are collecting money to help tsunami survivors in the north and east of Sri Lanka. The Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation (TRO) has played a key role in aid efforts in the north and east of Sri Lanka. Initially
John Gauci Rather than allocate urgently needed funding to the TAFE and public school system, the federal Coalition government plans to establish eight private vocational colleges in NSW, at a cost of $289 million. According to a federal
Norman Brewer, Sydney The 2005 Freedom Ride, organised by the reconciliACTION network, will be launched on the anniversary of the legendary 1965 Freedom Ride. A busload of 30 students — black and white united — will depart around noon on
@head2 ='We all need to work together for a better place' Green Left Weekly's Alex Bainbridge spoke to Graeme Kelly, the founder of the band Civil Rights. Why did you call the band Civil Rights? Because myself, and some members in the band,
Lisa Macdonald While the Coalition is currently riding high in the polls, the prospect of a fourth term, and control of the Senate, has the bosses baying for blood. As the inevitable attacks on workers and the poor kick in, we can expect PM John
The image of Che's face — of indignation, of determination, of strength yet intelligence and purity, with piercing eyes — is the most reproduced image of the 20th century. Millions wear it on T-shirts; capitalism ironically uses it to sell lip