Zoe Kenny On February 25, the five-day blockade by several hundred West Papuan villagers of the sole access road to Freeport's Grasberg mine was called off. The villagers achieved their modest goal of retaining the right (although formally illegal)
Stuart Munckton Venezuela's socialist president Hugo Chavez has sacked three government ministers, according to a February 21 Venezuelanalysis.com report, in response to irregularities and problems relating to food production and distribution.
Stuart Munckton In her February 16 budget speech to the US Senate, during which she singled out the government of Venezuela's socialist President Hugo Chavez for attack, US Secretary of State and renowned neo-conservative Condoleezza Rice came out
Cuba's National Office of Statistics has calculated that between 1959 and the end of 2004, the US caused US$80 billion of damage to the island's population through its economic blockade. According to a foreign ministry report on the statistics, which
The United Casual Workers Alliance, which campaigns for the rights of casual and lower paid workers, was launched on February 13 on the Gold Coast. Green Left Weekly's Dave Riley spoke with Amelia Taylor about the campaign. I guess a large
Norm Dixon January 9 marked the first anniversary of the historic "comprehensive peace agreement" (CPA), which ended the devastating 21-year war in the south between the central government in Khartoum and the impoverished people of southern Sudan.
Sue Bolton, Melbourne "The Victorian branch of the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union has decided that there should be another national day of action as soon as possible" against the new federal anti-worker laws, AMWU state secretary Dave
BLUE MOUNTAINS — Labor voters rejected a sleazy preference deal between the ALP and Liberal Party candidates in a Blue Mountains City Council by-election on February 25. Labor candidate Mark Greenhill and the Liberals' Rodney Forrest swapped
Ben Courtice, Melbourne Qantas aircraft maintenance workers marched to passenger terminals in Melbourne on February 28 and in Sydney on March 1 to protest against management's threat to move up to 3000 maintenance jobs to other countries in Asia.
Linda Waldron The Howard government's new workplace relations laws, which will come into effect at the end of this month, represents a devastating new attack on the work and family life of women workers. Ellen Kleimaker, women's and equity officer
SYDNEY — Hundreds of workers protested in martin Place on March 2 against PM John Howard, who was attending a Liberal Party fundraiser to celebrate his 10 years in office. The protest was organised by Unions NSW. Photo by Alex Bainbridge
Farida Iqbal Under Australian Red Cross regulations, men who have had sex with men in the past 12 months are prohibited from donating blood. A debate around the ban erupted in April 2005 when Tasmanian Michael Cain was prevented from giving blood