Refugee Action Coalition, April 13
"[The Howard government] has used the excuse of the crisis over West Papuans to put its preferred policy in place. It is now clear why the government has been building such a large detention centre on Christmas
Autonomy not integrationfreedom not transmigrationindependence not exterminationliving forests not devastationdecency not exploitationfair dealing not expropriationpeaceful lives not annihilationindigenous voice not usurpation.
Resistance is an Australia-wide revolutionary socialist organisation of young people. We were formed in Sydney in 1967 by radical students who were involved in the movement against the Vietnam War and who saw the need to organise collectively against
Trent Hawkins
Chanting "Si, se puede" ("Yes, we can!"), school students from around the United States poured out of classrooms during the "week of the walkouts" in late March, taking the fight for immigrants' rights to the streets. The push by
Doug Lorimer
"US troops repelled an attack Monday by Sunni Arab insurgents who used suicide car bombs, rocket-propelled grenades and automatic weapons in a coordinated assault against this city's main government building and two US observation
Emma Clancy
French students have just led millions of workers to victory in the fight against their conservative government's CPE (First Employment Contract) law, which was a major attack on the rights of young workers. Showing the real power that
Kim Bullimore
After weeks of bombarding Gaza with more than 2000 heavy artillery shells, killing more than two dozen people and wounding hundreds, Israel continues to target the region. Shelling began on March 31. On average, 150 artillery shells
Sarah Stephen
Mohammad Sagar, 29, and Muhammad Faisal, 26, are Iraqis who have been granted refugee status but remain stranded on Nauru after arriving there four-and-a-half years ago. The Australian government won't take them after ASIO deemed them
We Built This CityWritten and directed by Donna JacksonMelbourne Workers TheatreWith Mark SeymourScienceworks, MelbourneUntil May 6
At a time when the Howard government has introduced the most reactionary IR
The Wall Street Journal published a worried analysis about the April 10 day of action for immigrant rights, pointing to widespread absenteeism by workers who participated, which forced many employers to shut down.
Workers at an Excel meatpacking
MELBOURNE — On April 16, the Easter bunny was locked up outside of St Paul's Cathedral as protesters condemned the mandatory detention of asylum seekers and PM John Howard's proposed new law to process asylum seekers offshore. The action was
Rohan Pearce
"The invasion and occupation of Iraq is a campaign of imperial military conquest and falls into the category of criminal acts. I would have had criminal responsibility vicariously if I had gone to Iraq. I still have two great loves in
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