WA Inc behind health minister resignation? By Jonathan Strauss and Anthony Benbow PERTH — Controversial health minister Keith Wilson resigned from state cabinet on November 13, ostensibly due to his opposition to the federal government's

Despite predictions by the media pundits of "blood letting rivalry" on the conference floor, the first national Alliance conference of New Zealand's five alternative parties held in Mount Wellington was a tremendous success.

By Frank Noakes LONDON — "It is a serious national evil that any class of His Majesty's subjects should receive less than a living wage in return for their utmost exertions." So said Winston Churchill on introducing wages councils in 1909.
By Peter Anderson SYDNEY — The introduction of contract labour laws will dramatically alter the face of the trade union movement if and when John Hewson's Liberals succeed at federal elections. Victorian workers have already felt the heavy hand
Victorian Liberals gut FoI By Pip Hinman MELBOURNE — A new law which restricts freedom of information access to the records of hundreds of state authorities was passed here on November 17. Scrutiny of any state government business enterprise
By Sean Lennon MELBOURNE — A ministerial briefing document produced by the Public Transport Corporation (PTC) for Victorian transport minister Alan Brown has outlined drastic cuts. Under the plan, which the Liberals are quite likely to adopt,
By Peter Anderson Many will remember the line from an old Joni Mitchell tune, "You don't know what you've got 'til its gone", which has taken on a new significance in the face of economic and industrial relations policies being implemented by
Beyond the lesser evil The GST, John Hewson's industrial relations policy and Kennett's even more extreme version of the same, will drive many people to vote against the conservative Coalition at the next federal election. But this should not
By Sean Lennon and Peter Boyle MELBOURNE — Industrial action involving a wide range of public sector unions has followed the 200,000 strong November 10 strike and march because the Kennett government is refusing to back down from its plans to
By Rob Graham ADELAIDE — Australia's prison system, and the attitude of a large percentage of the population to those within it, are inherited to a large degree from Australia's English colonial past, said Tim Anderson at the second public
By Karen Fredericks SYDNEY — The headquarters of the NSW Forestry Commission was occupied for over four hours on November 18 by 30 activists from the North East Forest Alliance (NEFA) who, from their position in the Forestry Commissioner's office,
HAVANA, November 10 — Washington's 30-year blockade against Cuba will be up for discussion at the UN General Assembly session on November 24. Cuban foreign ministry official, Juana Silvera, told reporters that the US delegation is already