First Green elected to WA parliament By Teresa Szunejko PERTH — The first Green member of the WA Legislative Council has been elected. Counting of preferences gave Greens (WA) candidate Jim Scott the edge over the Democrats and
By Peter Boyle MELBOURNE — On March 1, some 800,000 workers in Victoria covered by state awards are forced to make a choice: sign an employment contract (individual or collective) or have award conditions automatically rolled over into an
By Barry Healy SYDNEY — As the voting for the position of assistant national secretary of the Public Sector Union moves into its final phase, a dirty tricks campaign initiated by supporters of Wendy Caird has surfaced. Caird is the endorsed
By Peter Boyle On the eve of the Kennett government's Employee Relations Act coming into operation in Victoria, there is hardly a union official in the state who is prepared to say in public what most rank and file unionists know: that the
By Sean Malloy Continued UN sanctions and the January 14 bombing of Iraq have intensified the misery experienced by the Iraqi population and eliminated the possibility of a moderate social and economic recovery. The United Nations
By Karen Fredericks Paul Keating distorted the truth more than once in his speech to launch the New National Agenda for Women on February 10. Probably the biggest whopper was his assertion that "women's earnings are now 93% of men's." The
Pragmatism I was interested to read J. Dodd's letter (GLW February 24) concerning pragmatism in the PSU leadership as it seems that pragmatism is prevalent amongst all union bureaucrats at the moment. As a member of the general staff at
No argument "... remarkably amenable to Kerry's suggestions. He very rarely argues about anything." — Trevor Kennedy on the success formula of Richard Walsh, managing director of Kerry Packer's Australian Consolidated Press. Usually the
Havana workshop discusses homosexuality HAVANA — The Iberoamerican Sex Education Workshop on February 9 touched on an issue which has often caused polemics in the region: homosexuality. A panel of Cuban and international specialists
By Dave Riley The German revolution of 1918 was as vigorous and perhaps more spontaneous than its Russian counterpart of the previous year. The uprising of the Spartacists in Berlin and the Munich "reds" was smashed by the organised terror of
Anti-nuclear author challenges Ros Kelly By Frank Gollan CANBERRA — Anti-nuclear author Greg Adamson is contesting environment minister Ros Kelly's seat of Canberra for the Green Democratic Alliance. As in the 1990 federal
Chaplin Directed by Richard Attenborough Starring Robert Downey Jr, Geraldine Chaplin, Anthony Hopkins and Kevin Kline Reviewed by David Sampson "I love America", emotes Robert Downey as Charlie Chaplin. A bit later, in case you