Two decades of Tuesday Afternoon Group By Adam Hanieh ADELAIDE — The Tuesday Afternoon Group (TAG) has been meeting, discussing and demonstrating here for 20 years. It is the only women's organisation in Australia that arose during the
By Max lane and a special correspondent in Jakarta Indonesian President Suharto has begun attempts to counter armed forces (ABRI) headquarters, which last week announced that it intended to nominate former ABRI commander in chief Try Sutrisno
By Norm Dixon The Bougainville Revolutionary Army has hit back hard against Papua New Guinea troops following their occupation of parts of the capital, Arawa. The Bougainville Interim Government's Honiara spokesperson, Martin Miriori,
Building a green, left alternative in the Illawarra By Bernie Brian WOLLONGONG — Doctor Margaret Perrott has been campaigning for a decade to build a green, left alternative to Labor and Liberal. In 1984 she was the founding
By Therese Mackay PORT MACQUARIE — The Hospital Action Group (HAG) held a meeting on February 24 to inform the people of the Hastings Valley of the implications of the services agreement signed between the Health Administration Corporation
National Greens name candidate in Victoria By Pip Hinman MELBOURNE — The National Greens are standing a candidate in Victoria: Rebecca Wigney, a 23-year-old graduate in biological sciences, in the eastern suburbs federal seat of
Chinese reforms bring austerity By Max Lane Rising unemployment and declining living standards are becoming more and more a feature of the conditions of the working class in China, according to a recent issue of the Hong Kong-based
Tax the rich, says Brotherhood of St Laurence By Peter Boyle MELBOURNE — According to Bishop Michael Challen, executive director of the Brotherhood of St Laurence (a major welfare organisation) "incomes at the bottom of the scale must
By Michael Tardif and Jorge Jorquera On February 15 the National Executive of the National Union of Students (NUS) decided to campaign in the federal elections under the slogan "Put the Liberals last". According to a bulletin sent to all
Direct broadcast from the Port Fairy Folk Festival — The concert will include Margret RoadKnight, Tiddas and the Italian folk group, I Papaveri. ABC FM Stereo, Fri March 5, 8 p.m. Perth Festival Indian summit — The word is that Indian
By Anne Casey A woman's access to abortion is a fundamental precondition to having control over her life. If a woman cannot make decisions on if, when and how many children she will bear, then she has little control over other aspects of her
Evans faces protest over Timor By Nick Everett BRISBANE — Foreign minister Gareth Evans, addressing a breakfast on Australia's trade relations with Asia, faced questions and a protest picket from members of Aksi — Indonesia Solidarity