Independent journalist Austin Mackell sent the statement below to be read out at an October 6 rally in Sydney to support Julian Assange and WikiLeaks.
Dr. Oliver Villar is a Lecturer in Politics at Charles Sturt University. His new book is "Cocaine, Death Squads, and the War on Terror: US Imperialism and Class Struggle in Colombia", published by Monthly Review Press. Villar gave the speech below at the Fidel in the 21st Century conference in Sydney, in August 2012.
On the eve of the October 7, Venezuelan presidential election, Green Left TV's Peter Boyle spoke to Tamara Pearson (below), an Australian socialist who has been living in Venezuela since 2007. She writes for Venezuela Analysis and for Green Left Weekly. Pearson lives in Merida but was in Caracas for the final stage of the election campaign and to help lead the 2012 Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network brigade whose members are also there to witness this election campaign.
This public statement was released on October 3 and was initiated by the signatories below. To add your name to the statement visit here.
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