Aboriginal leader slams Qld jails By Bill Mason BRISBANE — Aboriginal campaigner Mary Graham has launched a strong attack on the Queensland Corrective Services Commission for its treatment of blacks in custody. Graham said on April
This is the text of Nelson Mandela's address at Chris Hani's funeral in Soweto on April 19. It is abridged slightly for reasons of space. Chris Hani loved life, and lived it to the full. But he loved freedom more. Chris Hani loved our people,
The nuclear accident at the Tomsk-7 reprocessing plant in Siberia on April 6 was much bigger than first reported, and now may seriously impede expansion of the nuclear fuel cycle in Australia. Spokesperson John Hallam for the antinuclear
Leader assassinated This article had already been written when it was learned that DUNF leader Lalith Athulathmudali had been assassinated on April 23. No further information was available at press time.
By Peter Boyle Prime Minister Paul Keating's April 21 address to the Institute of Company Directors was a sharp reminder that his government remains firmly committed to the conservative, "economic rationalist" agenda — despite attempts to
Blossoms and Wrinkles Blossoms and Wrinkles, directed by Graeme Watson, is a skilful dance-theatre production of the One Extra Company. An older and a younger group of dancers admirably capture the memories and experiences of two generations.
Gerry McCabe The importance of the Upfield line The Upfield railway line runs through Melbourne's northern working class suburbs of Brunswick, Coburg and Gowrie and ends at the Ford factory at Upfield. For years successive governments
No conclusions "No conclusions should be drawn from the fact that a ticket cannot be drawn from one machine while it's still in the testing phase." — Sydney CityRail spokesperson after a new automatic ticketing machine being demonstrated
By Bernie Brian WOLLONGONG — It seems inner city tenants will not be the only thing facing relocation if Sydney gets the Olympics in the year 2000. The Defence Department is still keen to relocate the Newington armaments depot from Sydney
The death penalty continues to be a matter of considerable debate in the United States. MICHAEL ROSS, a prisoner on death row in the state of Connecticut, argues his view. "When we abolished the punishment for treason that you should be
Nuclear visits An American submarine docks in Darwin harbour, a doctor at the hospital throws into doubt the capacity of the hospital to deal with a nuclear accident — and what happens: the mandarins have threatened him with the sack.
By Jeremy Smith MELBOURNE — Victoria's first "illegal" picket since the promulgation of the Employee Relations Act on March 1 proved interesting for two reasons. Firstly, the workers won the dispute. Secondly, the political intrigue behind