Mexican reject Helms bill

May 31, 1995

Mexican reject Helms bill

The following statement was released by the Institutional Revolutionary Party, Mexico's governing party, on May 14.

The National Executive Committee of the Institutional Revolutionary Party express its dissatisfaction and its rejection of the bill proposed by the US Senator Jesse Helms to sanction the nations trading with Cuba. This bill is opposed to the efforts the President of the United States, William Clinton, and other sectors of the US Congress are making to contribute to the region's detente.

The adoption of a bill to this effect will constitute an inadmissible interference in the life of the states, and will further prejudice and prevent Cuba from going ahead with its economic reforms, since it would discourage the flow of external resources and would tighten the isolation imposed on the Cubans for more than 30 years.

The Institutional Revolutionary Party expresses its solidarity with those demanding the end of the blockade and expressing their rejection of the aforementioned bill.

We think that time has come for us to change those hostile attitudes that have so damaged that brotherly country.

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