Life of Riley: Newcastle — you never had it so good

May 7, 1997


Newcastle — you never had it so good

You never know do you? So often you hear people complaining. But me, I never had it so good.

I see?

You hear all sorts of complaints. "I lost me job" or "I don't know where the money's gonna come from" or "We can't make ends meet" and so on. But it would be a boring old life if we didn't have a few challenges thrown our way. It keeps us on our toes.


Where would we be without the troubles sent to try us? A nice home, a good steady income, without a care in the world. Would we be happy? Not bloody likely.

For sure.

To keep perky you need to do it hard. Otherwise, what's the point. Take life as it comes. That's what I think.


In my case, you know it ain't been easy. I've had me ups and downs. What with the missus in a home and the kids forced to fend for themselves while I'm at work ... No, it's not been easy. But you know, I wouldn't swap a moment of it. Not for anything.

Is that so?

I'm one of the lucky ones, I am. There I was thinkin' I'm stuck in a rut — same thing day in day out — when I get handed a pink slip at the front office. I coulda' kissed the hand that gave it to me. After working for the company for all these years they're letting me go.

You and a few thousand others.

The lucky ones, mate! The lucky ones. When I heard that BHP were going to close down the works, I said to myself: You bloody beauty! Tomorrow I'll be back fending for myself again and no longer a burden on the company." I was thrilled!

I bet you were.

Imagine how I'd feel if they stayed in business on my account. I'd never be able to live with myself.

Perhaps not.

I'm proud, that's what I am, proud that I can help out. When they posted that $1 billion profit last year I said to the young 'uns, that's your dad up there. They were tickled pink!

God love 'em.

And now ... who would have thought I'd be offered a part in these historical events. It's a real privilege to know my old job's a thing of the past.

A new beginning is it?

Too right. Me complain? No way. I'm having too much fun.

By Dave Riley


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