Socialists to field Senate tickets in all states

August 19, 1998


Socialists to field Senate tickets in all states

The Democratic Socialists, who recently obtained federal electoral registration, will field Senate tickets in all states in the coming federal elections. Democratic Socialists will also contest several lower house seats, including every seat in the ACT and NT.

"For the first time in recent years, every voter in Australia will have the opportunity of voting for a socialist candidate or ticket", said Peter Boyle, national election campaign director for the Democratic Socialists.

"With up to 66% public disillusionment at the economic rationalist agenda of Coalition and Labor parties, more people will be looking to socialist solutions. Even arch-conservative historian Geoffrey Blainey concedes as much.

"Howard's outrageous multi-billion dollar GST tax scam for the rich is only going to add to public anger once the truth of the proposals becomes clear."

Boyle said the campaign would pose a clear socialist alternative. "So-called "free-market' capitalism has clearly failed the majority, and we are past the stage where slowing down the onslaught of cutbacks and privatisation will ease much pain. Unless key sections of the economy and all important social services are brought under public control and ownership, there won't be an end to rising unemployment, environmental destruction and social decay.

"Further, the socialists are leading the campaigning in the streets against the disgusting racist scapegoating promoted by Pauline Hanson's One Nation and their neo-Nazi and Ku Klux Klan supporters. Resistance and the Democratic Socialists have received broad support for this campaign in the cities and in country areas."

While Hanson is exploiting the turn against the major parties, the Democratic Socialists are determined to expose One Nation's reactionary agenda. "Without the support of Australia's youth, One Nation has no future."

"We will stand a number of the key Resistance leaders on our tickets", added Boyle.

To help out with the Democratic Socialist election campaigns, contact Peter Boyle on (02) 9690 1230 or get in touch with the nearest Resistance Centre (see page 2).

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