ALP/One Nation attack anti-racists
By Andy Gianniotis
BRISBANE — Queensland One Nation leader Bill Feldman has continued his tirade against Resistance, telling state parliament it is peddling "hate and division" in Queensland schools.
Then on August 6, Queensland One Nation director Peter James went further, saying his party would accept the support of the neo-Nazi group National Action after it declared it would use violence to defend One Nation supporters.
David Lafferty, a year-11 student and Resistance member, likened Feldman's attack to McCarthyism: "Our peaceful demonstrations in fact oppose hateful and divisive policies — those of One Nation. High school students have no avenue to voice their opinions apart from rallies."
Labor Premier Peter Beattie has also lashed out at Resistance's plans for a second rally on August 28, and at Resistance's statements that the ALP's stance on native title is racist.
The demands of the rally on August 28 will include the reinstatement of any expelled students as a result of the first rally. This is in response to unconfirmed reports that at least 10 students have been excluded from a Brisbane school. For more information, phone 3254 0565.