Kurdish Australians demand fair trial for Ocalan

February 24, 1999

Kurdish Australians demand fair trial for Ocalan

By Kylie Moon

SYDNEY — In the early hours of February 17, more than 60 Kurdish protesters occupied the Greek consulate in response to the kidnapping of Kurdistan Workers Party leader Abdullah Ocalan by Turkish commandos in Kenya. Dozens of police, with dogs and dressed in full riot gear, blockaded nearby streets and surrounded the building.

Two of the protesters doused themselves in petrol and threatened to set themselves alight if police came closer. After negotiations, the protesters handed over the petrol, and 65 protesters were arrested.

A representative of the Australian Kurdish Association in Blacktown told Green Left Weekly that the aim of the demonstration was to get the attention of the Australian media and explain to the Australian public the seriousness of the oppression the Kurdish people suffer at the hands of the Turkish government.

The big business media described the Kurdish protesters as "global mobile terrorists" and "invaders" who should leave the issues of their homeland behind if they what to live in Australia.

He described the media response as "sickening". "We are a people of this nation. We consider ourselves Kurdish Australians. We contribute to the welfare of this country as much as any Australian."

Despite this, he explained, the capitalist media and politicians say, "'Forget about your past, forget that you are Kurdish, you are in Australia now'. We say, we can't do that."

He told Green Left Weekly that Australian Kurds are asking that the Australian government either condemn or condone the seizure of Ocalan. "We want them to state an opinion", he said.

"We expect the government to send a delegate to Turkey to observe the trial of our leader, so it can be proved that it is a fair trial."

He said more demonstrations are expected, and that the hunger strike that has begun in Europe may spread to Australia.

The Kurdish Welfare Association is requesting assistance from supporters of Kurdish self-determination for their campaign to have representatives at the trial of Ocalan. With elections due in April, the Turkish government is using the capture of Ocalan as an election ploy and looks set to finish his trial as soon as possible.

[Kylie Moon is the Democratic Socialists' candidate for the seat of Parramatta at the March 27 NSW election.]

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