MUA rank and file group grows
PERTH — On January 18, the Western Australian Maritime Union of Australia rank-and-file group held a successful general meeting at the Buffalo Club in Fremantle.
The turnout of 80 members was double the inaugural meeting, evidence of the discontent simmering in the union's ranks. Many apologies were received. Participants discussed the coming union elections, as well as more general ideas on how to stop the rot in the MUA.
In particular, there was anger at the divisions that have set in since casualisation on the wharves. Chris Cain, who chaired the meeting, told Green Left Weekly that the large turnout was due to the decision by many in the rank and file to take back their union. Genuine unity in the union would be achieved only by strong leadership and participation by the membership.
The meeting unanimously endorsed the rejection of the P&O deal by a recent mass meeting in Sydney.
During nominations for the ticket to stand in the June branch election, Cain emphasised the need for a ticket composed equally of wharfies and seafarers.
Lou Hillier, a retired militant on the Melbourne waterfront and a supporter of the group, was well received as guest speaker. Hillier reconnected the group — particularly its younger members — to the militant tradition of the unions that now make up the MUA.
The rank and file group's bulletin, which has succeeded in reaching a wide number of members, helped mobilise many members for the meeting. It has received many letters of support from members and ex-members on the MUA across the country. A number of these have been published in the new issue of the bulletin. An important part of the meeting was ensuring that everyone took away copies for distribution.
Several participants commented on the honesty, openness and freedom of the discussion.
On the stance of the group, Chris Cain stated: "There will be no more deals done behind closed doors. Rank-and-file committees will be brought back to the waterfront, and job delegate associations will be formed and run by the rank and file."
Another sign of the level of support for the campaign was the collection of $950 at the end of the meeting.